Total Consecration: Day 16 – St. Louis Marie de Montfort – Daily Reflection

May 11, 2019

What is Total Consecration?

Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary is a 33-day course that builds on True Devotion to Mary according to St. Louis Marie de Montfort. It’s an amazing way to grow deeper in your faith and draw closer to Jesus through Mary. Each of the 33 days includes a short video, some written reflections, and prayer time. Join us!

Part II: Knowledge of Self, Day 4

Welcome back to our Series. Hope and pray that none of us will give up in our preparation for Consecration. It is going to be more exciting as we move closer to the next stage of preparation. My name is Br. Julian Mary from the Knights of the Holy Eucharist.

We are now on the fourth Day Part II knowledge of Self. Today we are going to talk about humility. From our manual it says: we should offer up all our prayers and pious actions to ask for the knowledge of ourselves, and contrition for our sins: and we should do this in a spirit of humility. Humility is the foundation virtue of spiritual life. The virtue of humility speeds us along the path of holiness. A person without humility cannot grow in holiness because he is too full of himself, and so there is no room for God. Humility gives us the self-knowledge, to know that we are nothing, and can do nothing without God. The virtue of humility is required for us, to grow in Catholic faith believing all what we say in the Creed, and what the Holy Catholic Church proposes us to believe. St. Augustine points out: “If you ask me, what is the essential thing in the religion, and discipline of Jesus Christ? I shall reply: first humility, second is humility, and third is humility.” Humility is the virtue that restrains us, in our inordinate desire for glory. It helps us realize that there is an infinite distance between the creature and the Creator.

With Christ as our model, we can say that humility is self-emptying allowing God to work in us with His grace. Our Lord says: “Learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart,” (a favorite verse of St. Francis de Sales.) God has preordained that we should be made in the image and likeness of His Son. Therefore we must be like Christ by being humble of heart, if, we want to be true sons and daughter of the Eternal Father. We can not allow pride to disfigure this divine image imprinted in our soul. So, humility is self-awareness and self-knowledge. We need to practice this virtue to attain our goal, the knowledge of self. Besides, humility pleases God and open the doors of His many graces. St Peter tells us in his First Letter; “God opposes the proud but gives graces to the humble”. The same words we find from the Letter of St. James. “God opposes the proud but gives graces to the humble.” God filled Our Lady with superabundant graces especially during the Annunciation, because of her humility calling herself servant, the handmaid of the Lord.

We need Our Lady to help us practice this royal virtue. It is royal because the King of kings and the queen of heaven practice this virtue during their life on earth. We see that humility makes us understand; that we are all sinners but not abandoned by God. Many times we abandon Him but God never abandons us. In fact, He calls, beginning from the Fall. He says, “Where are you?” The same call we hear today and will continue until the end of time. “Where are you?”

And so, we are given this beautiful advice: offer up your devotion and prayers, to ask for knowledge of self, doing an act of contrition in the spirit of humility. When we come to Our lady with a humble heart she will obtain for us the light, like Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta experienced at Fatima. We should ask Our Lady Refuge of Sinners to pray for us. This is one of her sweetest titles from the Litany. Yes, she is our sure refuge and in her, we find hope and sweetest consolation in times of distress. St. Bernard of Clairvaux says, “Let the name of Mary never depart from your lips, let the name of Mary never depart from your heart; and in order to obtain her intercession, neglect not the examples of her life.” Mary Refuge of Sinners, pray for us!

Readings and Prayers for Day 16 of 33

Spiritual Exercises: Prayers, examines, reflections, acts of renouncement of our own will, of contrition for our sins, of contempt of self all performed at the feet of Mary, for it is from her we hope for light to know ourselves, and it is near her that we shall be able to measure the abyss of our miseries without despairing.

True Devotion: No. 228 & Imitation: Book 2, chapter 5

True Devotion: No. 228

228. During the first week, they should offer up all their prayers and acts of devotion to acquire knowledge of themselves and sorrow for their sins. Let them perform all their actions in a spirit of humility. With this end in view, they may, if they wish, meditate on what I have said concerning our corrupted nature, and consider themselves during six days of the week as nothing but sails, slugs, toads, swine, snakes, and goats. Or else they may meditate on the following three considerations of St. Bernard: “Remember what you were – corrupted seed; what you are – a body destined for decay; what you will be -food for worms.” They will ask our Lord and the Holy Spirit to enlighten them saying, “Lord, that I may see,” or “Lord, let me know myself,” or the “Come, Holy Spirit”. Every day they should say the Litany of the Holy Spirit, with the prayer that follows, as indicated in the first part of this work. They will turn to our Blessed Lady and beg her to obtain for them that great grace which is the foundation of all others, the grace of self-knowledge. For this intention, they will say each day the Ave Maris Stella and the Litany of the Blessed Virgin.

Of Self-consideration We must not rely too much upon ourselves, for grace and understanding are often lacking in us. We have but little inborn light, and this we quickly lose through negligence. Often we are not aware that we are so blind in heart. Meanwhile, we do wrong, and then do worse in excusing it. At times we are moved by passion, and we think it zeal. We take others to task for small mistakes and overlook greater ones in ourselves. We are quick enough to feel and brood over the things we suffer from others, but we think nothing of how much others suffer from us. If a man would weigh his own deeds fully and rightly, he would find little cause to pass severe judgment on others

Imitation: Book 2, chapter 5

We must not rely too much upon ourselves, for grace and understanding are often lacking in us. We have but little inborn light, and this we quickly lose through negligence. Often we are not aware that we are so blind in heart. Meanwhile, we do wrong, and then do worse in excusing it. At times we are moved by passion, and we think it zeal. We take others to task for small mistakes and overlook greater ones in ourselves. We are quick enough to feel and brood over the things we suffer from others, but we think nothing of how much others suffer from us. If a man would weigh his own deeds fully and rightly, he would find little cause to pass severe judgment on others.

The interior man puts the care of himself before all other concerns, and he who attends to himself carefully does not find it hard to hold his tongue about others. You will never be devout of heart unless you are thus silent about the affairs of others and pay particular attention to yourself. If you attend wholly to God and yourself, you will be little disturbed by what you see about you.

Where are your thoughts when they are not upon yourself? And after attending to various things, what have you gained if you have neglected self? If you wish to have true peace of mind and unity of purpose, you must cast all else aside and keep only yourself before your eyes.

You will make great progress if you keep yourself free from all temporal cares, for to value anything that is temporal is a great mistake. Consider nothing great, nothing high, nothing pleasing, nothing acceptable, except God Himself or that which is of God. Consider the consolations of creatures as vanity, for the soul that loves God scorns all things that are inferior to Him. God alone, the eternal and infinite, satisfies all, bringing comfort to the soul and true joy to the body.


Litany of the Holy Ghost

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Father all powerful, have mercy on us
Jesus, Eternal Son of the Father, Redeemer of the world, save us.
Spirit of the Father and the Son, boundless life of both, sanctify us.
Holy Trinity, hear us

Holy Ghost, Who proceedest from the Father and the Son, enter our hearts.
Holy Ghost, Who art equal to the Father and the Son, enter our hearts.

Promise of God the Father, R. have mercy on us
Ray of heavenly light,
Author of all good,
Source of heavenly water,
Consuming fire,
Ardent charity,
Spiritual unction,
Spirit of love and truth,
Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
Spirit of counsel and fortitude,
Spirit of knowledge and piety,
Spirit of the fear of the Lord,
Spirit of grace and prayer,
Spirit of peace and meekness,
Spirit of modesty and innocence,
Holy Ghost, the Comforter,
Holy Ghost, the Sanctifier,
Holy Ghost, Who governest the Church,
Gift of God, the Most High,
Spirit Who fillest the universe,
Spirit of the adoption of the children of God,

Holy Ghost, inspire us with horror of sin.
Holy Ghost, come and renew the face of the earth.
Holy Ghost, shed Thy light in our souls.
Holy Ghost, engrave Thy law in our hearts
Holy Ghost, inflame us with the flame of Thy love.
Holy Ghost, open to us the treasures of Thy graces
Holy Ghost, teach us to pray well.
Holy Ghost, enlighten us with Thy heavenly inspirations.
Holy Ghost, lead us in the way of salvation
Holy Ghost, grant us the only necessary knowledge.
Holy Ghost, inspire in us the practice of good.
Holy Ghost, grant us the merits of all virtues.
Holy Ghost, make us persevere in justice.
Holy Ghost, be Thou our everlasting reward.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Send us Thy Holy Ghost.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
pour down into our souls the gifts of the Holy Ghost.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
grant us the Spirit of wisdom and piety.

V. Come, Holy Ghost! Fill the hearts of Thy faithful,
R. And enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.

Let Us Pray
Grant, O merciful Father, that Thy Divine Spirit may enlighten, inflame and
purify us, that He may penetrate us with His heavenly dew and make us
fruitful in good works, through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who with
Thee, in the unity of the same Spirit, liveth and reigneth forever and
ever. Amen.

Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Lord, have mercy on us.
R. Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ hear us.
R. Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven,
R. Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God the Holy Spirit,
Holy Trinity, one God,

Holy Mary, R. Pray for us.
Holy Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of virgins,
Mother of Christ,
Mother of the Church,
Mother of divine grace,
Mother most pure,
Mother most chaste,
Mother inviolate,
Mother undefiled,
Mother most amiable,
Mother most admirable,
Mother of good counsel,
Mother of our Creator,
Mother of our Savior,
Virgin most prudent,
Virgin most venerable,
Virgin most renowned,
Virgin most powerful,
Virgin most merciful,
Virgin most faithful,
Mirror of justice,
Seat of wisdom,
Cause of our joy,
Spiritual vessel,
Vessel of honor,
Singular vessel of devotion,
Mystical rose,
Tower of David,
Tower of ivory,
House of gold,
Ark of the covenant,
Gate of heaven,
Morning star,
Health of the sick,
Refuge of sinners,
Comforter of the afflicted,
Help of Christians,
Queen of Angels,
Queen of Patriarchs,
Queen of Prophets,
Queen of Apostles,
Queen of Martyrs,
Queen of Confessors,
Queen of Virgins,
Queen of all Saints,
Queen conceived without original sin,
Queen assumed into heaven,
Queen of the most holy Rosary,
Queen of families,
Queen of peace,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
R. Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
R. Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray
Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, that we Thy servants may enjoy lasting health of soul and body, and by the glorious intercession of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, be delivered from present sorrow and enter into the joy of eternal happiness. Through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.


Kyrie, eleison.
R. Christe, eleison.
Kyrie, eleison.
Christe, audi nos.
R. Christe, exaudi nos.
Pater de caelis, Deus,
R. miserere nobis.
Fili, Redemptor mundi, Deus,
Spiritus Sancte, Deus,
Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus,

Sancta Maria,
R.Ora pro nobis.
Sancta Dei Genitrix,
Sancta Virgo virginum,
Mater Christi,
Mater Ecclesiae,
Mater divinae gratiae,
Mater purissima,
Mater castissima,
Mater inviolata,
Mater intemerata,
Mater amabilis,
Mater admirabilis,
Mater boni Consilii,
Mater Creatoris,
Mater Salvatoris,
Virgo prudentissima,
Virgo veneranda,
Virgo praedicanda,
Virgo potens,
Virgo clemens,
Virgo fidelis,
Speculum iustitiae,
Sedes sapientiae,
Causa nostrae laetitiae,
Vas spirituale,
Vas honorabile,
Vas insigne devotionis,
Rosa mystica,
Turris Davidica,
Turris eburnea,
Domus aurea,
Foederis arca,
Ianua caeli,
Stella matutina,
Salus infirmorum,
Refugium peccatorum,
Consolatrix afflictorum,
Auxilium Christianorum,
Regina Angelorum,
Regina Patriarcharum,
Regina Prophetarum,
Regina Apostolorum,
Regina Martyrum,
Regina Confessorum,
Regina Virginum,
Regina Sanctorum omnium,
Regina sine labe originali concepta,
Regina in caelum assumpta,
Regina Sacratissimi Rosarii,
Regina familiarum,
Regina pacis,

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
R. parce nobis, Domine.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
R. exaudi nos, Domine.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
R. miserere nobis.
V. Ora pro nobis, Sancta Dei Genitrix,
R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.
Concede nos famulos tuos, quaesumus, Domine Deus, perpetua mentis et corporis sanitate gaudere: et gloriosa beatae Mariae semper Virginis intercessione, a praesenti liberari tristitia, et aeterna perfrui laetitia. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
R. Amen.

Ave Maris Stella

Hail, bright star of ocean,
God’s own Mother blest,
Ever sinless Virgin,
Gate of heavenly rest.

Taking that sweet Ave
Which from Gabriel came,
Peace confirm within us,
Changing Eva’s name.

Break the captives’ fetters,
Light on blindness pour,
All our ills expelling,
Every bliss implore.

Show thyself a Mother;
May the Word Divine,
Born for us thy Infant,
Hear our prayers through thine.

Virgin all excelling,
Mildest of the mild,
Freed from guilt, preserve us,
Pure and undefiled.

Keep our life all spotless,
Make our way secure,
Till we find in Jesus,
Joy forevermore.

Through the highest Heaven
To the Almighty Three,
Father, Son and Spirit,
One same glory be. Amen.

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