What is Total Consecration?
Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary is a 33-day course that builds on True Devotion to Mary according to St. Louis Marie de Montfort. It’s an amazing way to grow deeper in your faith and draw closer to Jesus through Mary. Each of the 33 days includes a short video, some written reflections, and prayer time. Join us!
Total Consecration: Consecration Day
First of all, let us give Thanks to the Almighty Father, by honoring God’s Most Perfect Creature using the Angelic Prayer the Hail Mary. Together: Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with Thee, Blessed art Thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Having completed the 33 days, preparing ourselves for consecration to Our Blessed Mother, It is good to think about, this very special moment, that we have just started in our life, a special moment that we should always remember in a special way, by making our renewal of Consecration.
St. Louis Marie de Montfort says, “we should choose a special feast day on which we consecrate and sacrifice to Mary voluntarily and lovingly, giving one’s self entirely as a slave to Mary, and to Jesus through Mary, and after that, to do all that we do through Mary, with Mary, in Mary, and for Mary.” This is something that we should not forget, that on this day, we belong to Jesus through Mary, on this day we are freed, in a special way, from the slavery of the devil, by the hands of the Blessed Mother. On this day, on her feast day, we sign a document, as our covenant to Jesus and Mary, that We belong entirely to Jesus Christ the Incarnate Wisdom, to carry our cross every day and to be more faithful to Jesus and Mary. My dear friends, from the beginning of the 13th Chapter of Exodus, the Living God of Israel told Moses, “Consecrate to me all the first-born.” Even in the Old Testament, God in his goodness revealed His desire that all mankind must consecrate themselves to Him. And then Moses said to the people, “Remember this day, in which you came out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, for by strength of hand, the Lord brought you out from this place.” The idea of Consecration to God has been repeated many times in the Book of Exodus and therefore, Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary is rooted in the Scriptures.
The words of Moses, “Remember this day which you came out of Egypt,” reminds us also of how the Blessed Mother herself brought us from the slavery of sin to the “promised land” to her Son Our Lord Jesus. And so, we choose Mary’s feast day for our day of consecration, because by her maternal guidance and love, we come into a deeper union with her Son. Such union brings about the joys, signified and united to the joys of Mary’s Feast, both in heaven and on earth, a foretaste of eternal joys that are to come, when we are faithful to this covenant of love with Jesus and Mary. What a privilege to belong to Jesus and Mary, but we have also the responsibility of serving Mary as our Queen and Jesus as our Eucharistic King. The responsibility of serving Jesus and Mary, and serving our neighbors through Jesus and Mary, demands sacrifices and self-denials. But Mary made herself close to us, to assists us. She is there to love, to foster and nurture, to conduct and direct, to defend and protect, and to intercede for all her faithful slaves.
Thus, a day of remembrance is necessary, a sign of our heartfelt love and gratitude we owe to God and Our lady, who continually and without ceasing, extend to us their love, mercy, and blessings. Blessed be that day that we chose or rather Our Lady chose for us when we consecrated ourselves to Jesus through Mary and re-consecrate ourselves to them, year after year after year till the end. How good it is when we finish our race, fighting a good fight like a knight-warrior, proclaiming the glories of Jesus and Mary, like the King’s Herald, so that Jesus and Mary may be known and loved, that in the end, we hope to hear the voice, “Well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful with little things; enter into the joy of your Master.”
Holy Communion for St. Louis de Montfort is very important in the practice of this devotion.
Before Holy Communion
We must practice the virtue of humility, renouncement of self, a short renewal of our consecration to Our Lady saying, “I am all yours, my dear Mother and all I have is yours”; begging Our Lady to lend her Immaculate Heart in receiving Jesus in Holy Communion, in this way we received Jesus perfectly with the Heart of Mary.
During Holy Communion
Invoke the Three Divine Persons of the Blessed Trinity but always through the intercession of Our Lady before receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion: to the Eternal Father because of our unworthiness of receiving His only begotten Son for so many ingratitude of his infinite goodness; to God the Son because of our carelessness in his service as our king and savior; to the Holy Spirit because many times we are not worthy to receive the masterpiece of His love because of our lukewarmness and our resistance to His divine inspirations. Mary Most Holy always provides for us the necessary graces that we need in receiving Jesus in Holy Communion. She is powerful in this regard for She is the Beloved daughter handmaid of the Lord; the Mother of God the Son and the most faithful inseparable Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
After Holy Communion
Let us enter in contemplation of Jesus and Mary present in our soul after receiving Holy Communion. This will become an opportunity of adoring our Eucharistic Jesus, overflowing with thanksgiving. The Holy Spirit will inspire us many thoughts if we are thoroughly prepared, recollected and faithful to this great and sublime devotion. St. Louis de Montfort says, “but remember the more you let Mary act in your Communion the more Jesus will be glorified” and ultimately giving glory to the Most Holy Trinity through Mary in Mary and with Mary.
After completing the Act of Total Consecration, please download, print, and fill out this PDF certificate in remembrance of this consecration and your covenant to Jesus & Mary.
Next video after making your consecration: Total Consecration: Consecration to Adoration