Spending Time with Our Best Friend

August 2, 2019

the Blessed Sacrament

Do you realize the awesome truth that Our Lord is your Friend? Yes, of course, He is God, but He is also your Friend. So we can really and truly think of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as a visit with our Best Friend! Jesus loves to have you visit Him whenever you can!

Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, well known for his practice and promotion of Holy Hours before the Blessed Sacrament, gives us some encouragement:

“Neither theological knowledge nor social action alone is enough to keep us in love with Christ unless both are preceded by a personal encounter with Him. When Moses saw the burning bush in the desert, it did not feed on any fuel. The flame, unfed by anything visible, continued to exist without destroying the wood. So personal dedication to Christ does not deform any of our natural gifts, disposition, or character; it just renews without killing. As the wood becomes fire and the fire endures, so we become Christ and Christ endures.

“I have found that it takes some time to catch fire in prayer. This has been one of the advantages of the daily Hour. It is not so brief as to prevent the soul from collecting itself and shaking off the multitudinous distractions of the world. Sitting before the Presence is like a body exposing itself before the sun to absorb its rays. Silence in the Hour is a tête-á-tête with the Lord. In those moments, one does not so much pour out written prayers, but listening takes its place. We do not say: ‘Listen, Lord, for Thy servant speaks,’ but ‘Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth.’”

“When we speak to Jesus with simplicity and with all our heart, He does like a mother who holds her child’s head with her hands and covers it with kisses and caresses” (St. John Vianney, on adoring Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament).

We have a beautiful meditation by an unknown author, written as if Jesus is speaking to you, to read and ponder during Eucharistic adoration!


worshipping God



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