Submit A Prayer Request

Be a part of our family as “the family that prays together stays together.”

The Knights spend two hours each day in adoration. In addition, we offer rosaries, fasting, and holy masses for these intentions. Candles are also often lit in front of the statues of Our Lady and St. Joseph as your intentions remain in our chapel as we gather daily in prayer.



Latest Prayers
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Financial Blessings

Please pray for God the Father to rain financial blessings in Jesus’s name.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-11-2024 - 7:42:06 PM
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Please pray for God to have mercy upon people.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-11-2024 - 7:39:50 PM
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Please pray for Jesus to lead souls to heaven.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-11-2024 - 7:38:25 PM
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Please pray for Jesus to lead people to heaven.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-11-2024 - 7:37:15 PM
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Please pray for God to have mercy upon people.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-11-2024 - 7:35:52 PM
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Please pray for Jesus to answer my prayers.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-11-2024 - 7:34:22 PM
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For peace and for anxiety to not impact me or bother me

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 07-11-2024 - 6:10:29 PM
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I pray for peace over an anxiety. I pray that God will answer my prayer and I don’t have to worry about it ever again. I pray for the peace to come soon and the anxiety doesn’t cause any health concerns. I ask this in Jesus name.

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 07-11-2024 - 4:44:52 PM
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Pray for my mother Anna

Please pray for my mother Anna that she may succeed in resolving the problems that she has set to resolve in Italy, her home. She is 84 and is alone right now attempting to solve a multitude of problems with her pension and taxes. Please pray that she be assisted and protected by Archangel Michael as she tries to solve problems that are not her fault, that she may finally gain some peace of mind. Thank you, St. Michael, for answering my prayer. With God’s help, anything is possible.

Prayer Requested By: Laura, 07-11-2024 - 4:41:57 PM
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I need breakthroughs, be healed, be cures and miracles right now

Dear God, Jesus, St Padre Pio, St Joseph,, Blessed Mother, St John Baptist, ArchAngels, Knights of Columbus, Pope Francis and all the Saints

I need breakthroughs, be healed, be cured and miracles now. I have Keratoconus for 18 years and I need to have normal vision left eye and miracle now both eyes now to see.
I need breakthroughs, be healed, be cured and miracle now also no more learning and developemtna disabilties now for the past 48 years now. I don’t wan to be disabed anymore.
I need breakthroughs, be healed, be cured and miracle now also to have a one bedroom apartment in Great Neck, New York.
Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems.
Pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father and for Rome and the Vatican.
Pray for miracles now to end the war in Ukraine and Israel and for peace now.
Pray for the poor, sick, lonely, disabed and elderly.
Pray for those who need prays, breakthroughs, healing, cures and miracles now.
Pray for our Catholic Churches here USA and around the world now.
Pray for priests, decaons, nuns, bishops and cardinals now.
Pray for our Catholics Schools and our Religious Education programs
Pray for our country now USA now.
Pray for miracles now.

Prayer Requested By: Brian Puttlitz, 07-11-2024 - 3:37:20 PM
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Job Interview

Praise the lord My name is Latha I have interview tomorrow July 12th Friday for Deloitte company please pray for my Interview and success in this position, get placed in Deloitte.

Prayer Requested By: Latha, 07-11-2024 - 2:42:52 PM
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Bring our son back to us

Please bring our son back into our lives. Something evil has taken us away from him. We haven’t seen him or our grandchildren in over a year. He is very bitter towards us when he has spoken to us on the phone. I think his wife does not want him in our lives. He once was very close to us. Please God, I beg of you. I want a good relationship with my son and his children. Please help.

Prayer Requested By: KHO, 07-11-2024 - 1:14:04 PM
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For my mom to be happy with my relationship

“Dear God, Archangel Michael, and Holy Mary,

I come to you with a sincere and humble heart,
Please help my mom to see the goodness in my boyfriend Jassam mison Steve and his family from the start.
Let her heart be filled with trust and understanding,
And may she willingly and happily allow me to spend time with them, without any doubting or fearing.

Archangel Michael, please surround us all with your protective light,
And keep us safe from harm, in your loving sight.
Holy Mary, please intercede for me,
And help my mom to see the love and good intentions in Jassam and his family.

God, please guide my mom’s thoughts and feelings,
And help her to trust in Jassam and his family’s goodness, without any reservations or doubts.
Let her know that it’s perfectly safe for me to be with them,
And that they will always keep me safe, with their love and care.

Thank you, God, Archangel Michael, and Holy Mary,
For your love, guidance, and protection.
I trust in your divine plan,
And know that you will always keep me safe, in your loving care.


Remember, this prayer is a powerful tool for guidance and protection. Believe in its effectiveness and trust in the love and care of God, Archangel Michael, and Holy Mary.

Prayer Requested By: Camila Quezada Perez, 07-11-2024 - 1:06:32 PM
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Please help

I still need prayers and will for a while please find someone to pray for me daily and often for awhile i need a pile of miracles please agree with me for them in Jesus name amen. PLEASE HELP WITH THIS SERIOUS NEED AND SHARE WITH OTHER CHURCHES IN YOUR AREA AND ANY YOU ARE AFFILIATED WITH AND ANY MISSIONARIES YOU KNOW. I felt Holy Spirit led to reach out to you to ask you to pray everyday and share with others in your area and within ministries and with any missionaries you know. That was a directive The Holy Spirit of The Lord gave me. Please help this way. Anytime I or these appeals come to mind please pray in the Holy Ghost’s leading. I still need prayers. I have to be able to use my eyes and voice normally as God wills so I can serve Him as He wills. Please pray for me again and again all day and night that God binds everything that is coming at my eyes and vocal chords and body and rebukes and destroys it in Jesus name amen and amen.Please pray for ALL my needs right now and all day and night for all protections that they are ALL taken care of by GOD in every way in Jesus name amen.
For Theresa W.

Prayer Requested By: Theresa, 07-11-2024 - 12:03:17 PM
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Prayer Requested By: Zoran, 07-11-2024 - 11:10:23 AM
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Prayer Requested By: Zoran, 07-11-2024 - 10:45:36 AM
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Prayer for my family

Pray for my family.Rajesh,shanitha,jayasree,Soumya,prasanna ,ratheesh,sherli,saji, Soumya,chandramagalam male people doing koodothram against me to divorce

Prayer Requested By: Soji v s, 07-11-2024 - 7:00:52 AM
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Prayer request to get a job soon

Hi Team,

I hope your doing good.
I’m Bryan Blaze from Bangalore, I’ve been unemployed since the last one and half years, I’ve attended over 32 interviews in the last 1 year, but nothing seems to happen, there is always some blockage.

Please keep me in your prayer intentions so that I’ll be able to get a job soon, I shall keep all of you in my prayers too.

Thank you. God bless.

Prayer Requested By: Bryan Blaze, 07-11-2024 - 6:46:58 AM
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For peace over a current anxiety

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 07-10-2024 - 11:45:01 PM
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For health, peace, and joy.

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 07-10-2024 - 11:44:19 PM
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