Submit A Prayer Request

Be a part of our family as “the family that prays together stays together.”

The Knights spend two hours each day in adoration. In addition, we offer rosaries, fasting, and holy masses for these intentions. Candles are also often lit in front of the statues of Our Lady and St. Joseph as your intentions remain in our chapel as we gather daily in prayer.



Latest Prayers
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breakthroughs, to be healed, be cured and miracles now

Dear God, Jesus, St Padre Pio, Blessed Mother, ArchAngels, St John Baptist, St Joseph, Knights of Columbus, Pope Francis and all the saitns

I need breakthroughs, be healed, be cured and miracles now.
I have Keratoconus left eye for 18 years now and can’t see left eye. I have blured vision left eye. I need normal vision left eye and both eyes now.
I need breakthroughs, be healed, be cured and miracle now also learning and developmental disabilties now for the past 48 years now.
I am disabed. I need miracle no also no more learning and developmental disabillties.
I need breakthroughs and miracles now also to have a one bedroom apartment in Great Neck, New York and be indepedent and be able to do normal things now.
Pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father and for Rome and the Vatican.
Pray for peace now in Ukraine and Israel now.
Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems.
Pray for our Catholic Churches here in USA and around the world.
Pray for priests, decaons, nuns, bishops and cardinals now
Pray for those who need breakthroughs, healing, cures and miracles now.
Pray for the poor, sick, lonely, disable and elderly now.
Pray for our country now USA now.

Prayer Requested By: Brian Puttlitz, 07-13-2024 - 7:35:05 AM
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Pray for our marriage

Please pray for me and my wife.
She has separated from me with the intention to seek divorce.
We have been married 34 years with no children.
She has not worked for the past 25 years due to illness.
I’ve worked to pay for all expenses including her medical costs the entire time.
The entire time she expressed her gratitude for not abandoning her.
I feel betrayed by her lack of loyalty to me, but I forgive her and want to reestablish our marriage if it is God’s will.
I do not understand the root cause of the problem. My priest believes she potentially suffers from some form of autism based on his pastoral experience, but says a professional psychologist needs to make a determination. However, based on reflection, I believe this might be a root cause of her behavior.
Please pray for us. Thank you.

Prayer Requested By: Joe Mariconda, 07-13-2024 - 6:26:45 AM
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Prayer Requested By: Zoran, 07-13-2024 - 4:59:03 AM
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Prayer Requested By: Zoran, 07-13-2024 - 4:50:29 AM
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Prayer Requested By: Zoran, 07-13-2024 - 4:26:36 AM
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Prayer over a situation that has caused me stress. I pray for peace and continued peace over this situation.

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 07-12-2024 - 11:12:50 PM
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Mental/Emotional Healing, Reuniting a past relationshiping a past vl

For my Grandaughter Camille D. I ask for prayers of healing of her mind, body, soul and spirit. She is so full of anger,rage, hurt and betrayal from her last 2 relationships. She has lost her ability to trust. She has become a loner. This is not a healthy state of being for her. There is only one person who was her “true soulmate” but she failed to see it at the time, because she never gave the relationship time to really develope. With healing of her mind, and heart, ant the ability to see his goodness, I ask you to please bring Sebastian D. back into her life. Grant her patience, understanding, compassion and realization this is the Man who is needed in her life .. I humbly ask you to bring them together again In the Name of Jesus Amen

Prayer Requested By: C. Diaz, 07-12-2024 - 4:04:01 PM
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Healing and a Reuniting of a past Love

For my Grandaughter Camille D. I ask for prayers of healing of her mind, body, soul and spirit. She is so full of anger,rage, hurt and betrayal from her last 2 relationships. She has lost her ability to trust. She has become a loner. This is not a healthy state of being for her. There is only one person who was her “true soulmate” but she failed to see it at the time, because she never gave the relationship time to really develope. With healing of her mind, and heart, ant the ability to see his goodness, I ask you to please bring Sebastian D. back into her life. Grant her patience, understanding, compassion and realization this is the Man who is needed in her life .. I humbly ask you to bring them together again In the Name of Jesus Amen

Prayer Requested By: C. Diaz, 07-12-2024 - 11:56:00 AM
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For true repentance by all, respect to the Sacred, Building of true Christian churches, for Restoration, Protection from evil, Peace in the World.

Prayer Requested By: zulay Bello, 07-12-2024 - 7:58:30 AM
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Safe home

Please pray for me for a new safe home without violence. As soon as possible. And that I can afford it. I beg, I am in a desperate situation.

Prayer Requested By: Olivia, 07-12-2024 - 3:42:44 AM
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Please pray for family friends. Jenny. People GOd loves prayer for. Prayer for the poor. LOVE. All things prayer for. No possession, only from GOD. Doing all things right. Wellness. Educations. Work. Finances. JM. JB. Wisdom. Hearing from GOD. ABBA us. THANK YOU.

Prayer Requested By: Simone, 07-12-2024 - 1:42:46 AM
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Blessed Lord

Se vuoi Signore Gesù, Signore Dio purifica l’albero genealogico delle famiglie Pancrazi, Boschieri e Borzacchiello.
Signore Dio fa che io, Alessandro Pancrazi, mi sposi presto in chiesa con la donna che tu Signore Dio hai scelto come mia moglie.
Fa Signore Dio che Michele Rossetti sia sempre il mio santo fratello accompagnatore. Fa Signore Dio che il mio gemello Francesco faccia il miglior percorso di guarigione e di vita. Signore Dio preserva sempre me e la mia famiglia dai tumori, dai nei, dagli ictus, dalle emorragie, dalla guerra, dalle pazzie e dai mali morali. Fa Signore Dio che siamo sempre santi e obbedienti ai tuoi comandamenti Signore Dio. Signore Dio fa che siamo sempre benedetti in tutto con tutte le tue benedizioni Signore Dio. Fa Signore Dio che siamo sempre più benedetti, giusti, caritatevoli, santi, sani di mente e protetti. Grazie Signore Dio benedetto.

Prayer Requested By: Alessandro Pancrazi, 07-12-2024 - 1:16:40 AM
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Please pray for Catholics’ lives to be filled with joy that spreads happiness everywhere.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-11-2024 - 8:07:39 PM
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Please pray for immediate financial breakthroughs.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-11-2024 - 8:02:55 PM
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Please pray for God to make financial miracles happen. Please pray for financial miracles to happen.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-11-2024 - 7:59:52 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to bring an end to the war in Ukraine.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-11-2024 - 7:54:12 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to protect American chaplains against relentless attempts of the Devil to silence Christianity where it matters most.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-11-2024 - 7:51:57 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to provide financial miracles today in Jesus’s name.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-11-2024 - 7:48:22 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to keep Democrats from being silenced.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-11-2024 - 7:46:11 PM
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Please pray for Muslims to find closeness with God through accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-11-2024 - 7:44:18 PM
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