Submit A Prayer Request

Be a part of our family as “the family that prays together stays together.”

The Knights spend two hours each day in adoration. In addition, we offer rosaries, fasting, and holy masses for these intentions. Candles are also often lit in front of the statues of Our Lady and St. Joseph as your intentions remain in our chapel as we gather daily in prayer.



Latest Prayers
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Healing for bipolar disorder depression and it’s symptoms fatigue

Prayer Requested By: Andrew Pick, 08-02-2024 - 4:24:34 PM
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Healing for skin and skin becomes healthy

Prayer Requested By: Nicole Carter, 08-02-2024 - 4:23:48 PM
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Maricle Healing from bells palsy on left side of face Remove all obstacles hindering my healing and see Manifestation of all my healings and anoint my health and flow into my life in Jesus Christ of Nazareth amen

Prayer Requested By: Nicole Carter, 08-02-2024 - 4:23:19 PM
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Protection from our enemies haters and God blocks them interference in our life, marriage praise God

Prayer Requested By: Andrew and Nicole, 08-02-2024 - 4:22:53 PM
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Protection from evil eye evil looks glances

Prayer Requested By: Andrew and Nicole, 08-02-2024 - 4:22:24 PM
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Money maricle

Devine financial maricle from God God to break poverty curse over my life and remove financial curse God to change my mindset about money and not think poverty and God to help me praise God and become poverty free

Prayer Requested By: Andrew and Nicole, 08-02-2024 - 4:21:47 PM
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Be heard, be healed, cures and miracles now, Special Prayer requests and also miracles now

Special Prayer requests and miracles now. I need to be heard, be healed, be cured and miracle now to see left eye and restore vision left eye and normal vision both eye now.
I need to be heard, be healed, be cured and miracle now also learning and developmental disabillties.
Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems.
Pray for the end of Wars now in Israel and for peace now.
Pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father and for Rome and the Vatican now.

Prayer Requested By: Brian Puttlitz, 08-02-2024 - 11:44:11 AM
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Pray for immediate employment as soon as possible. Pray for favor with recruiters and hiring managers all over the world. Pray my application is not ignored or overlooked and I’m hired on the spot. Pray to start the hiring process with onboarding I9, offer letter. Pray they never cancel my employment again. Protect my assets

Prayer Requested By: Santea, 08-02-2024 - 10:07:17 AM
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For husband John to Unite permanently with wife Angela

My marriage is almost broken and I find no hopes of reconciliation with my husband. His parents and especially his brother and brother’s wife have ruined my marriage and my character within our relatives with an intention of separating my husband and me and to inherit all the property for themselves though I never asked them for any property but for my rights to live in in-laws house as a wife and daughter-in-law. The last 2 months were the worse. They have blamed me for all untrue reasons and have told several lies tarnishing mine, my unmarried sister and my parents name in the society. I’m still unable to understand how come after doing such huge bad things these people live their lives so happily, just because they have destroyed my life. My husband so blindly believes his brother’s wife, brother and mother unable to understand their true intentions of only grabbing money from him to live their lives luxuriously. He’s ready to cut me off from his life completely but not able to think about the reality. I’m so done mentally, emotionally and in every other way to be the only one fighting to keep this marriage since nearly 3 years now. I have given up all hopes for this marriage as its disturbing my peace and health and at this point I feel I should stand up for myself and not for the marriage that was of no use to me in any way since the beginning. I’m approaching the family court in a few days to come out of this unconsummated, deserted and emotionally tortured marriage. Request your kind prayers for me to be successful and victorious in the case and to get back everything that I lost on this family especially financially along with getting my maintenance and alimony that I should receive rightfully with justice as per the law. Please pray that my relatives get to know the truth and reality about my husband, his brother’s wife, his brother and his parents very soon.

Prayer Requested By: Angela, 08-02-2024 - 3:18:46 AM
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For peace and to be able sleep well.

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 08-01-2024 - 11:58:41 PM
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