Submit A Prayer Request

Be a part of our family as “the family that prays together stays together.”

The Knights spend two hours each day in adoration. In addition, we offer rosaries, fasting, and holy masses for these intentions. Candles are also often lit in front of the statues of Our Lady and St. Joseph as your intentions remain in our chapel as we gather daily in prayer.



Latest Prayers
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Please pray for God the Father to provide financial miracles today in Jesus’s name.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 08-05-2024 - 8:22:08 PM
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Financial Blessings

Please pray for God the Father to rain financial blessings in Jesus’s name.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 08-05-2024 - 8:18:06 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to extend God the Father’s hand of favor over American Jewish brothers and sisters.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 08-05-2024 - 8:14:07 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to keep Democrats from being silenced.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 08-05-2024 - 8:03:12 PM
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Please pray for Jesus to let Jesus’s freedom reign over the world.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 08-05-2024 - 7:58:10 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to protect those who are homeless and provide for those who are homeless.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 08-05-2024 - 7:48:08 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to protect homeless people.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 08-05-2024 - 7:45:49 PM
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Dear Lord please draw us closer to You.Thank You for blessings gifts graces answered & unanswered prayers.We pray for this ministry supporters requests here.Father Son & Holy Spirit Holy Family Jesus Mary St. Joseph Angels saints intercessors holy helpers please ask God to surround us all with His all encompassing compassionate healing love help us fulfill our vocation.M-B-lineage living ourselves Sandi Bobby Theresa children grandkids aunts uncles cousins Grandmas A & B grandpas A & B families relatives friends all who are now or have been a part of our lives asked our prayer have no one to pray with for them.Grant a holy peaceful death to those to die this day.Repose our departed loved ones M-B lineage Dad Mom Kim Karen George Paul Alberto +Hermie those who have no one to pray for them & all.Free the holy souls in Purgatory.Thank you.JMJ+

Prayer Requested By: L, 08-05-2024 - 7:10:35 PM
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For a special intention

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 08-05-2024 - 6:57:40 PM
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Need for healing prayers

Prayer request for Cheri Meyers, She has heart and lung trouble. She is on Cpap machine for breathing. Found out she has double pneumonia. She needs prayers.

Prayer Requested By: Sandra Hentges, 08-05-2024 - 6:29:42 PM
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Please pray for BALPARA work. Finances for everyone. Kissable and lovable. Good at everything. Good catch. GOD LOVED. All things prayer for. total restoration. Mind issues. LOVE. Blessings. THANK YOU.

Prayer Requested By: Simone Blanche, 08-05-2024 - 5:42:29 PM
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Prayer to receive a blessing

Please pray for me to receive the blessing of God that brings wealth, knowledge and wisdom. Amen!

Prayer Requested By: S'bonelo Nsibande, 08-05-2024 - 3:25:34 PM
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God sightings and every

Dear LOrd you created me in March 26 1987.I wrote messages and prayers and more on my computer for churches and on my knees sent prayers and messages and and more for my father and father’s surgery happenings my father forever isn’t able to turn father’s head all the way back.
In jesus name in pray amen I wrote more and on my knees and my mind and more sent more prayers and messages and more like for this year 2024 I pray to god i would enjoy to pray for whatever to exist like for me to create this planet.

Prayer Requested By: Matthew, 08-05-2024 - 11:17:00 AM
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New job

God, please, bless me with a full-time job offer. Allow me to live with dignity and support my family. Thank you for all the blessings. I love you and I trust you. Please, have mercy on my soul.

Prayer Requested By: Filipe, 08-05-2024 - 10:54:26 AM
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I need to be heard, be healed, cures and miracles

Dear God, Jesus, St Padre Pio, St Joseph, St John Baptist, ArchAngels, Blessed Mother, Pope Francis, Knights of Columbus and all the saints.
For your intressions now. I need to be heard, be healed, cures and miracles now to see left eye and restore vision left eye and normal vision both eyes now and have Keratoconus for 18 years now.
I need to be heard, be healed, cures and miracles now also no more learning and developmental disabillties. I am 48 years old and have learning and developmental disabilties now for the past 48 years now.
I need miracle now also to have a one bedroom apartment in Great Neck, New York.
Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems
Pray for peace now In Israel and Ukraine and end the wars now.
Pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father and for Rome and the Vatican.
Pray for priests, decaons, nuns, bishops and cardinals.
Pray for the poor, sick, lonely, disabed and elderly.
Pray for those who need to be heard, healed, cures and miracles now.
Pray for our Country now.
Pray for our Catholic Churches her USA and around the world.

Prayer Requested By: Brian Puttlitz, 08-05-2024 - 10:47:34 AM
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My friends don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in their life

I am making a Intercession prayer request for my friends. Kysha Toye; Jimmy Brooks; Nick Miller; Vincent Smith; Maurice Boddie; Wayne; Marlon and Edison. (1) Salvation; Deliverance; Assurance; Protection; Guidance; Provision and Forgiveness.
In Jesus name we pray amen; Thank You

Prayer Requested By: Greggory Coates, 08-05-2024 - 4:00:51 AM
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I pray for a special intention

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 08-05-2024 - 12:28:49 AM
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I pray to be able to pay off all debt, own a house that I love and gives me peace and joy, and to be free of stress and anxiety concerning finances.

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 08-05-2024 - 12:28:16 AM
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I pray for perfect health, peace, and joy.

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 08-05-2024 - 12:26:52 AM
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Prayer to bless me in my new job

Thank you Lord for having a new job. Today is my first day of actual work. Please pray that I will be regularized and can do my duty efficiently. Pls also pray for my new company, officemates and boss.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 08-04-2024 - 11:33:30 PM
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