Submit A Prayer Request

Be a part of our family as “the family that prays together stays together.”

The Knights spend two hours each day in adoration. In addition, we offer rosaries, fasting, and holy masses for these intentions. Candles are also often lit in front of the statues of Our Lady and St. Joseph as your intentions remain in our chapel as we gather daily in prayer.



Latest Prayers
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Financial Breakthroughs

Please pray for the Lord to bring financial breakthroughs in Jesus’s name.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-24-2024 - 7:28:43 PM
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Financial Blessings

Please pray for God the Father to rain financial blessings in Jesus’s name.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-24-2024 - 7:26:30 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to grant relief to every low-income family.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-24-2024 - 7:17:30 PM
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Please pray for God to have mercy upon people.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-24-2024 - 7:15:32 PM
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Please pray for the Lord to protect Americans from Russian hackers. Please pray for the Lord to protect Americans’ data from future attacks.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-24-2024 - 7:12:48 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to extend God the Father’s hand of favor over American Jewish brothers and sisters.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-24-2024 - 7:09:57 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to give American representatives wisdom and encourage American representatives to vote for Americans’ privacy.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-24-2024 - 7:07:35 PM
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Please pray for those who are homeless. Please pray for God the Father to protect those who are homeless and provide for those who are homeless.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-24-2024 - 7:03:47 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to protect those who are homeless and provide for those who are homeless.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-24-2024 - 7:00:58 PM
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Reunite quickly with my wife and ongoing prosperity

Prayer Request Subject: Reunite quickly with spouse and ongoing financial prosperity and financial abundance Prayer Request: Please pray for us urgently for me Jerasimos Dimitroulis and for my wife Jocelyn Dimitroulis for GOD ALMIGHTY and Jesus Christ to unite us very very quickly as we are living in different countries due to financial difficulties Please pray for us for GOD ALMIGHTY and Jesus Christ to miraculously and quickly bless us with financial prosperity abundance breakthroughs open blessed financial doors health happiness love strength goodluck success safety and quality life Please also pray for us urgently for GOD ALMIGHTY and Jesus Christ to bless us with a large modern house of our own a safe car and free from all evil influences GOD ALMIGHTY and Jesus Christ to totally destroy all demonic activities evil influences and to totally destroy all the shackles chains and cycles of poverty lack stagnation blockages badluck witchcraft evil entities sicknesses illnesses diseases curses peoples jealousies anxieties stresses loneliness fear and all evil Amen and Amen Please pray for us daily GOD bless Jerasimos and Jocelyn Dimitroulis

Prayer Requested By: Jerasimos Dimitroulis, 06-24-2024 - 5:28:57 PM
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Family unity

I am praying today dat my mom can go with ascend online next March 2025 to Italy to pray with them with the ascend online schools. I pray for my friend Loui deramayo his wife Joan nrkeshari danarjan dat dey will be here n Canada by Feb 5 2026 to build chaitanya mission a charitable organization in Canada. Please help them Lord to come up with all d finances and paperworks so dey can safely come here and faster n canada. I pray dat I will win d lotto to use d money for charitable organizations n d world to build recycling depots to reduce global warming and waste disposal. Thank you for giving me d opportunity to say my prayers love u all here at pray more novenas😊

Prayer Requested By: Harehare, 06-24-2024 - 6:50:07 AM
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Return of stolen money

In Jesus name I ask you to pray for the return of all my money which was cheated from me through a scam. I am in heavy debt now. I am also praying for God to help me. Please I beg you to pray for me. Let the police be able to recover all my money from the scammers and return it to me. Let the scammers realise their faults and return my money. Pray that God would send angels in their dreams to tell the scammers to return my money back.

Prayer Requested By: Francis Albeper, 06-24-2024 - 4:50:07 AM
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someone is in distress

I humbly ask prayers for Violeta, so that she may find God’s path

Prayer Requested By: Alfredo, 06-23-2024 - 9:06:29 PM
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Prayer for my lungs to be healthy.

Prayer Requested By: Lakeem Khodra, 06-23-2024 - 7:56:55 PM
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I need prays, healing and miracles now.

Dear God, Jesus, St Padre Pio, Blessed Mother, St Joseph, ArchAngels, Knight of Columbus and all the saints

I need prays, to be healed and. miracles now. I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I need prays, to be healed and miracle now left eye to see
and normal vision both eyes now.
I need prays, to be healed and miracle now also learning and developmental disabilties. I am 48 years old. I have learning and developmental disaibllties my whole life now. I need prays, to be healed and miracle now no more learning and developmental disabillties
I need prays and miracle now also to have my own apartment and in Great Neck, New York.
Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems.
Pray for Ukraine and Israel and peace now.
Pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father and for Rome and the Vatican.

Prayer Requested By: Brian Puttlitz, 06-23-2024 - 3:00:13 PM
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protection and healing

Please pray for the Intercessors of the Trinity core team and their families for their protection against all evil (spiritual warfare). Place us underneath his shield (Psalm 91) for spiritual protection.

Pray for all the intentions of those that come to our prayer group each Tues evening.

Special prayers for:

(1) Kerby Family- for protection for all family members
(2) Prayers for success of our fundraising campaign

(3) IOTT Finance Committee-protection

(4) Release psalm 91 over “THE AMAZING PARISH “Conference. For all of those involved with the conference workers, and attendees! Awaken your church! Amen

(5) Release psalm 91 over Fr John Paul to shepherd and guide St Frances Cabrini parish

(6) Michael-for total healing of voices constantly in his head .

(7) Cody-young man in prison for 15 years due to incident from several years ago, prayers for protection, peace, to keep his faith, to remain strong

(8) Diana-cancer in bile duct

(9) Elizabeth-diagnosed with leukemia, 2 years of chemo very young child

(10) Jordan & Kaila to be able to conceive a child

(11) Jordan-back

(12) Elijah- born premature with many issues, was given not much time to live, has defied all odds , he is now over 1 yr old, prayers for strength, hope as still is battling issues

(13) Kai-needs a miracle and healing for many health issues

(14) Diane-Bladder cancer low grade treatable, tube keeps collapsing due to cancer, also has kidney cancer which is a high grade; tumors keep growing, just had 5th surgery which apparently may be the last, chemo does not seem to be working, very upset

Blessings Shelly

Prayer Requested By: Shelly Yaroch, 06-23-2024 - 8:54:46 AM
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For my niece and I to have a wonderful and safe day. To not have anxiety or concerns.

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 06-22-2024 - 10:58:17 PM
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I am asking for prayers for good health. I am asking the Dear Lord and his Holy Blessed Mother to lay their healing hands upon my body for Good health and to be rid of the health issues that I have been experiencing for so long.
Dear Lord I am asking for the TMJ to be gone. The thyroid issue to clear. To have the insomnia gone. To have the fibromyalgia gone . To have the heart health issues resolve and the KIDNEY issues to be clean and clear.
Dear Lord please I pray for a GOOD CLEAN CLEAR BODY OF GOOD HEALTH.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-22-2024 - 8:30:40 PM
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Dear Lord please lay your healing hands upon my body. Please heal my body. Please take away the pain. Dear Lord Please help with the health issues that I have been experiencing for so long. Please Dear Lord heal my body of all the ills. Please I pray Dear Lord that you and your Holy Blessed Mother lay your hands on my body for good health.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-22-2024 - 8:25:14 PM
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I am asking for prayers to Our DEAR LORD and of HIS BLESSED MOTHER to lay their holy healing hands upon my body. I am praying for a good clean bill of health. I am praying for health.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-22-2024 - 8:22:06 PM
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