Submit A Prayer Request

Be a part of our family as “the family that prays together stays together.”

The Knights spend two hours each day in adoration. In addition, we offer rosaries, fasting, and holy masses for these intentions. Candles are also often lit in front of the statues of Our Lady and St. Joseph as your intentions remain in our chapel as we gather daily in prayer.



Latest Prayers
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Please pray for blessings to be poured out upon America according to the Lord’s mercy.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-01-2024 - 8:17:05 PM
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Suki Curbow, Soyeon Doyle, Sonny, Ray Edger, Ray Holmes, Richard Fisher, Lisa Gran, Linda, Mike Leibsla, Katie S, Jerome Baca, Amber and her son, JaKell Sullivan, Jessica and Garrett Reid, George Layne, Gregory Werner, Gabriel Inson Lord,

– Bishop. Oscar Solis.
– Fr. Stephen Tilley.
– Fr. Michael Augustine Amabisco.
– Fr. Raphael Okitafumba.
– Fr. Cyril Soo-Gil Chae.
– Fr. Oscar Marguina.
– Fr. Rodelio Ignacio.
– Fr. Carlos Guzman
– Fr. Ryan Jimenez
– Pray for Vocation.

Repose of soul;
+ Tom.
+ Max Manning.
+ All souls in purgatory.

Prayer Requested By: Gg Pak, 07-01-2024 - 4:39:20 PM
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Good health

Please pray for my brother Godwin 2 months back my brother met a accident his leg is stolen he is having lots of pain lord heal my brother

Prayer Requested By: Margaret, 07-01-2024 - 11:01:02 AM
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For a financial miracle to move to east coast again allentown or bethlehem have peace be near the kids have a yard for them and my gardens for a more peaceful existence 4 my daughter’s mental health for me to feel safe and comfortable to be in my old environment have nice neighbors. Peaceful. And quiet and enjoy the babies

Prayer Requested By: Ann, 07-01-2024 - 10:29:36 AM
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I need breakthroughs, prays, healing, cures and miracles now

Dear God, Jesus, St Padre Pio, Blessed Mother, ArchAngels, Knights of Columbus, St John Baptist, St Joseph and Pope Francis

I need breakthroughs, prays, healing, cures and miracles now. I have Keratoconus for 18 years now. I can’t see left eye. I have blured vision left eye. I need prays, breakthroughs, healing, cure and miracle now left eye to see now and nomad vision both eyes now.
I need breakthroughs, prays, healing, cure and miracle now also learning and developmental disablities now. I am 48 years old. I have
learning and developmental disabillties my whole life now. I need prays, healing, cure and miracle now also no more learning and developmental disaabillites.
I need breakthroughs, prays and miracle now also to have my own apartment and in Great Neck, New York.
Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems.
Pray for the poor, sick, lonely, disabed and elderly.
Pray for peace now in Israel and Ukraine now
Pray for our Country now USA now.
Pray for those now who need breakthroughs, healing, prays and miracles now

Prayer Requested By: Brian Puttlitz, 07-01-2024 - 10:20:53 AM
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Deliverance, finance, and work

May God deliver me and my family from all evil powers, grant my destined work, funds/loan and a successful business.

Prayer Requested By: Vincent Gbile, 07-01-2024 - 8:07:24 AM
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Difficulty fulfilling obligations in my work

Please pray for me that God will enable me to carry out effectively all the duties and tasks that my work requires of me without failing what is expected of me.

Prayer Requested By: Kimberly L., 06-30-2024 - 9:40:32 PM
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Gas money and my son

GOD has blessed me with a new job that starts on July 8th! I do not have gas money, please pray that GOD will provide me with gas money until I get my first paycheck. Continued prayer for my son, GOD knows the circumstances. In JESUS name, Amen!

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-30-2024 - 7:58:25 PM
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Okay, this is not the whole story, but it is bad. My mum needs help, she is mentally ill, as in she is sick right now. They are many things… but one of the worst is that as far as I know, she won’t let my dad shop for food for the time being. I pray that she changes her mind. As she is the worst when it comes to shopping, and she barely can drive. I am just glad that yesterday (June 29th), I secretly got a few things. I wished that I got more, but I only have so much money, and can only carry so much, in secret, without being noticeable. I just hope we have enough food and other items for now, as we are in a smaller community that doesn’t have everything. She doesn’t want dad to shop because he didn’t get everything she wanted. They are things I do want, but I know I am likely not going to get them, so I keep my mouth shut about it, as the community doesn’t have that much, despite having a lot of farms in the area. I want to tell her to grow up, but I can’t. She is acting like a spoiled brat lately, and when I said something related to a different shopping trip, she threatened me to kick me out… because she thought I wanted something. I wasn’t going to ask for something I wanted… it was for something we needed. I am not that stupid. We normally live in a bigger city, which has a lot more things. My mom also has a medical condition that needs surgery, and if she doesn’t watch it, she might need it a lot sooner. She lacks common sense. Help please!

Prayer Requested By: Ash, 06-30-2024 - 7:24:34 PM
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Prayers for Saint Lucia during Hurricane Beryl.

Prayer Requested By: Lakeem Khodra, 06-30-2024 - 3:25:11 PM
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To know Gods will and plans for my future and career

Prayer Requested By: Robina, 06-30-2024 - 10:45:00 AM
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JESUS, OPEN THE DOORS IN me, in my life, in chess for me, in everything for me, FIRST FATHER’S KINGDOM

Prayer Requested By: Zoran, 06-30-2024 - 6:24:58 AM
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A better car for my Mom Lavinia

Pray that God blesses my mom Lavinia a better car ASAP 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Prayer Requested By: Amber, 06-30-2024 - 6:07:48 AM
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General & all

M-B-lineage Mom Dad Kim Karen aunts uncles cousins grandmas grandpas families relatives friends coworkers are now & have been a part of our lives those we promised to pray for & those who have no one to pray for them.Thank You Jesus for giving Your mother to us.We are grateful to have Your heavenly mother to whom we can turn for nurturing guidance & love.Please bless all mothers & fathers on earth & in Heaven.Amen

Prayer Requested By: L, 06-29-2024 - 8:12:04 PM
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Please pray for immediate financial breakthroughs.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-29-2024 - 6:42:49 PM
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Please pray for financial blessings tonight.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-29-2024 - 6:41:31 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to provide financial miracles today in Jesus’s name.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-29-2024 - 6:40:28 PM
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Special intentions

Please pray for the complete miraculous healing of my dad from his sickness and that I may be financially stable according to God’s will.

Please pray for the generational and family tree healing of Jumarang, Pisico, Sayco, Villanueva and Baldoz clans.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-29-2024 - 6:38:54 PM
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Financial Breakthroughs

Please pray for the Lord to bring financial breakthroughs in Jesus’s name.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-29-2024 - 6:38:35 PM
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Financial Breakthroughs

Please pray for the Lord to bring the financial breakthroughs in Jesus’s name.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 06-29-2024 - 6:37:06 PM
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