Submit A Prayer Request

Be a part of our family as “the family that prays together stays together.”

The Knights spend two hours each day in adoration. In addition, we offer rosaries, fasting, and holy masses for these intentions. Candles are also often lit in front of the statues of Our Lady and St. Joseph as your intentions remain in our chapel as we gather daily in prayer.



Latest Prayers
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Blessed Lord

Se vuoi Signore Gesù, Signore Dio purifica l’albero genealogico delle famiglie Pancrazi, Boschieri e Borzacchiello.
Signore Dio fa che io, Alessandro Pancrazi, mi sposi presto in chiesa con la donna che tu Signore Dio hai scelto come mia moglie.
Fa Signore Dio che Michele Rossetti sia sempre il mio santo fratello accompagnatore. Fa Signore Dio che il mio gemello Francesco faccia il miglior percorso di guarigione e di vita. Signore Dio preserva sempre me e la mia famiglia dai tumori, dai nei, dagli ictus, dalle emorragie, dalla guerra, dalle pazzie e dai mali morali. Fa Signore Dio che siamo sempre santi e obbedienti ai tuoi comandamenti Signore Dio. Signore Dio fa che siamo sempre benedetti in tutto con tutte le tue benedizioni Signore Dio. Fa Signore Dio che siamo sempre più benedetti, giusti, caritatevoli, santi, sani di mente e protetti. Grazie Signore Dio benedetto.

Prayer Requested By: Alessandro Pancrazi, 07-15-2024 - 1:03:45 AM
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* i got a phone call from my dream place “IFS” and i faced 2 interviews, its been 3 weeks, i messaged and emailed the recruiter but no reply. I am hoping and praying for this job. Please help me.
* My parents are looking for a suitable groom for me , please pray for me to get a good partner. I really like to spend more time with him before marriage.

Prayer Requested By: Judith, 07-15-2024 - 12:49:40 AM
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For peace over all areas of my life. That I am able to sleep well and sleep without anxiety or health concern.

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 07-14-2024 - 11:48:28 PM
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For health, peace, and joy. I pray that I am helping and supporting my niece as she transitions to college and that I am making my mom and granny proud in helping her. I pray to not have anxiety in talking with her and that God helps direct me in what to state to support and help her. I pray for her to feel Gods peace over the transition and that she has joy.

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 07-14-2024 - 11:45:32 PM
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I need breakthroughs, be healed, be cured and miracles now

Dear God, Jesus, St Padre Pio, St Joseph, Blessed Mother, ArchAngels, St John Baptist, Pope Francis, Knight of Columbus and all the saints

I need breakthroughs, be healed, be cured and miracle now to see left eye. I have Kertoconus for 18 years now and blured vision left eye.
I need miracle now to see left eye and normal vision both eyes.
I need breakthroughs, be healed, be cured and miracle now also learning and developmental disabillties now for the past 48 years now.
I need miracle now no more learning and developmental disabillties.
I need breakthrough and miracle now also to have a one bedroom apartment in Great Neck, New York and be indepedenrtr and do normal things and no more eye problems and no more learning and developmental disaibllites.
Pray for my mom, sister, brother in law and myself for good health and no health problems
Pray for peace now in Israel and Ukraine now.
Pray for those who need prays, breakthroughs, healing, cures and miracles now.
Pray for the poor, sick, lonely, disabed and elderly now.
Pray for Pope Francis our Holy Father and for Rome and the Vatican
Pray for our Catholic Churches her USA and around the world
Pray for priests, decaons, nuns, bishops and cardinals now.

Prayer Requested By: Brian Puttlitz, 07-14-2024 - 1:47:23 PM
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I burned myself and inhaled super heated gas and chemicals in a fire while I was in the United States Air Force Fire Department. My mask sparow hatch was open when I opened a door to a fire and my throat spasmed and closed by itself due to the heat and after a minute of chocking I ran out of the room. My mask then started working properly and my throat opened up and I was able to breath again. I was 24 years old when this accident happened and I have had breathing problems ever since. The military has denied me any medical injury and I have never been given any medical help from it. I have two people that witnessed and seen the whole thing happen that were in the room with me during the fire. Every time I try to get help for it I get denied. It seems when I get hurt nobody helps but when others get hurt they get a full retirement with disability and then they also get SSI and state benefits but everyone just tells me to fuck myself and that I’m a parasite that needs to get back to work even though I worked a Fulltime job since I was 15. I worked as a firefighter and EMT 24 hour shifts and night shifts most of my life. Can someone pray and also maybe figure out why everyone is so angry with people that get disability. Firefighters get hurt the worse out of most jobs and breathing in super heated gas and chemicals create a permanent health problem and lifelong suffering. Please help

Prayer Requested By: Michael Mackay, 07-14-2024 - 1:17:05 PM
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I pray for health, peace, and joy.

Prayer Requested By: Jennifer, 07-14-2024 - 9:45:40 AM
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Conversion and needs prayer

Lord increase my faith please grant me good holy friends nearby. Also grant me good physical and mental health. I also pray for the conversion of Carlos Guzman and Maribel Guzman, Daniel Hobbs, Robert Berlin, Florisel Guzman Vital and the Guzman Vital family. In Jesus name we pray. Thank you.

Prayer Requested By: Ivan Guzman Vital [email protected], 07-14-2024 - 9:30:09 AM
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Prayer Intentions

For Diana and for me, for our families, neighbors, health, prayer, and faith. For the healing of my eyes and sight, skin, nerves, veins, arteries, nose, nostrils, face, retinas, crystallines, corneas, teeth, mouth, tongue, lips, gums, ears and hearing, brain, head, neck, chest, back, belly, hair, spine, and body temperature.

Prayer Requested By: Gabriel, 07-14-2024 - 5:43:08 AM
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Prayer Requested By: Zoran, 07-14-2024 - 5:30:37 AM
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Request for nearby job transfer posting

With poor health, I am staying far away from my home town due to my present job postings in bank and facing extreme hardship.
I request to pray for change of my job posting nearest to home town to take care of my family and health.

Prayer Requested By: Amrit Tete, 07-13-2024 - 11:39:11 PM
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dream prayer

Good Morning family,

Please pray for the healing of the soul, mind, and body of my mother Manita Joseph and ask God to give her favor and grace with all her colleagues. Pray God for her to keep her job until she retires, not get fired. Give her grace, great health and wisdom to do her job well and perfect.

Also, Pray God for me, Sherly Lande, for the Holy Spirit to guide me my career so I can make it significant contribution in my field of study. Holy Spirit please help me prepare well this Summer and Fall so my employment in my fields of study will be very easy and achieve great performances and promotions. Please Father God help me in my capstone course and independent course. Holy Spirit helps me to find project ideas that will bring a lot of success such as being published, patented, and winning a Nobel prize. In Jesus’ name I ask all these in Jesus’ name through the intercession of the Blessed Mother, Amen!

Prayer Requested By: Sherly Lande, 07-13-2024 - 6:37:45 PM
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Please pray for Catholics’ lives to be filled with joy that spreads happiness everywhere.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-13-2024 - 5:15:03 PM
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Please pray for Jesus to make Catholics steadfast to endure.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-13-2024 - 5:12:09 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to protect those who are homeless and provide for those who are homeless.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-13-2024 - 5:09:46 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to protect homeless people.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-13-2024 - 5:06:11 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to bring an end to the war in Ukraine.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-13-2024 - 5:03:22 PM
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Please pray for God the Father to protect American chaplains against relentless attempts of the Devil to silence Christianity where Christianity matters most.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-13-2024 - 4:59:24 PM
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Please pray for President Joe Biden to make good decisions concerning the United States of America.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-13-2024 - 4:52:56 PM
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Please pray for God to have mercy upon people.

Prayer Requested By: An anonymous requester, 07-13-2024 - 4:48:55 PM
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