Prayer Downloads

Find a safe refuge from your trials and temptations … through the power of prayer. When you speak to God, you’ll discover an incredible peace that guards your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (cf. Phil. 4:7).


Consecration to Mary

When we consecrate ourselves to Our Lady, we offer ourselves to her in order that she may lead us to her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.


Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

In this prayer, we offer ourselves totally to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, that we may belong to Him alone.


Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity

With these beautiful traditional prayers, express your faith and hope in God, and your love of Him and your neighbor.


Prayer of Love (by Saint John Vianney)

This act of love was composed by St. John Mary Vianney (1786-1859), a humble French priest best known for his long hours spent hearing confessions.


Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

With this prayer, we pray in reparation for our sins and those of others.


Spiritual Communion

A spiritual communion is “an act of faith and love toward Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, with an ardent desire to receive Him” (Baltimore Catechism).

Basic Prayers

Act of Contrition

With this prayer, we express sorrow for our sins and ask God for forgiveness and for help in avoiding sin in the future.

Basic Prayers

The Angelus

This prayer commemorates Our Lord’s Incarnation and honors His Blessed Mother. Traditionally it has been prayed three times a day.

Basic Prayers

Prayers before and after Meals

Ask for God’s blessing on you and on your meal, and thank Him afterwards for all His blessings.

Basic Prayers

Glory Be

Give praise to the Holy Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit–three Persons in One God.

Basic Prayers

Guardian Angel Prayer

Ask for the protection and help of your own special angel whom God has assigned to you for guidance on your heavenly pilgrimage.

Basic Prayers

Hail Holy Queen (Salve Regina)

This incredibly beautiful traditional prayer dates from the 11th century. It begs Our Lady’s intercession as we make our way through this “valley of tears.”

Basic Prayers

Hail Mary

Honor Our Blessed Mother Mary and ask for her intercession “now and at the hour of [your] death.”

Basic Prayers

The Memorare

This is a lovely centuries-old prayer asking Our Lady’s intercession amid the struggles of our life

Basic Prayers

The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father)

Jesus Himself taught the Apostles this prayer. It “is truly the summary of the whole Gospel” (Tertullian, quoted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, para. 2774).

Basic Prayers

Regina Caeli (Queen of Heaven)

During the Easter season, this prayer honoring Our Lord’s resurrection and Our Lady replaces the Angelus.

Basic Prayers

The Rosary

Learn how to pray this lovely, easy-to-learn prayer asking Mary’s intercession and meditating on events in the lives of Jesus and Mary.

Basic Prayers

Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer

Pray for St. Michael’s powerful intercession in the struggle against evil in our day. Pope Leo XIII composed this wonderful prayer.


Divine Mercy Chaplet

A chaplet is a group of prayers prayed on a string of beads to help keep track of the prayers (you don’t have to use the beads). Our Lord gave this chaplet to St. Faustina.


Chaplet of Saint Michael

Honor St. Michael and the other glorious angels in Heaven.


Seven Sorrows of Mary of Chaplet

This chaplet commemorates the seven sorrows of Our Blessed Mother.

Church Year

Advent Prayer

Traditionally, this little prayer has been prayed 15 times a day beginning on November 30 (feast of St. Andrew the Apostle) and continuing until Christmas. You can pray it once a day or as many times as you like!

Church Year

Advent O Antiphons

Beginning December 17 and continuing through December 23, the special O Antiphons are prayed during Evening Prayer (the Liturgy of the Hours) before and after the Magnificat canticle.

Church Year

Christmas Prayers

Rejoice in Our Savior’s birth!


Examination of Conscience

Use this examination to help you prepare for the sacrament of penance (confession) by calling to mind the sins you have committed since your last good confession.


Confession Prayers

Pray for the help to make a good confession, and then thank God afterwards for His great mercy and forgiveness!


The Apostles’ Creed

The Apostles’ Creed is “a faithful summary of the apostles’ faith” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 194).


The Athanasian Creed

The Athanasian Creed is a “short, clear exposition of the doctrines of the Trinity and the Incarnation, with a passing reference to several other dogmas” (1912 Catholic Encyclopedia).


The Nicene Creed

The Nicene Creed (Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed) dates back to the 4th century. It has been prayed at Mass since the 6th century. This creed summarizes the central dogmas of the Faith.

Daily Prayers

Short Daily Catholic Prayers

Aspirations are short prayers, easily memorized, which we can pray often throughout the day as we go about our daily activities.

Daily Prayers

Catholic Evening Prayers

Spend time with Our Lord before you go to bed and ask for a peaceful, safe night.

Daily Prayers

Daily Intentions

Each morning, offer your prayers, works, and sufferings for specific intentions.

Daily Prayers

Morning Prayers

Offer your whole day to God and ask for His help for the day ahead.

The Holy Eucharist and the Mass

Adoration Prayer

Pray this beautiful prayer during your personal adoration time at your parish!

The Holy Eucharist and the Mass

Anima Christi

This prayer, which dates from around the 14th century, is wonderful to pray after receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion.

The Holy Eucharist and the Mass

Fifteen Minutes in the Company of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

This is a beautiful meditation which can be used when you make a visit to adore Jesus at your local adoration chapel!

The Holy Eucharist and the Mass

Prayers before and after Mass

Before Holy Mass, recollect yourself in the presence of God; after Mass, thank God for the priceless gift of receiving Holy Communion!


Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary

A litany is a prayer with petitions imploring God’s help, sometimes through the intercession of Our Lady or the saints. You can pray a litany alone or with others. This litany honors Our Lady and asks for her intercession.


Litany of Humility

Pray for growth in the virtue of humility.


Litany of the Infant Mary

This litany honors the holy infancy and childhood of Our Blessed Mother.


Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus

Pray this litany to praise the Holy Name of Jesus and to make reparation for the sins of those who use His Holy Name in vain.


Litany of the Precious Blood of Jesus

Jesus shed His Most Precious Blood to save us from our sins. This beautiful litany praises His Most Precious Blood and asks for protection and help.


Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Adore Jesus and give Him praise for his immense love for us!


Litany of Reparation to the Blessed Sacrament

Pray this litany in reparation for the sins committed against Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.


St. Jude Novena Prayer

St. Jude, one of Christ’s 12 Apostles, long has been honored as the patron of those in seemingly impossible situations. Ask his intercession for the resolution of difficult situations in your life!


Infant Jesus of Prague Novena

Honor Jesus’ infancy and pray for your special intentions.


Novena to Our Lady of Good Remedy

Ask Our Lady’s intercession for your needs, including your financial problems!


Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Pray to Our Lord and honor His Sacred Heart as you petition Him for your intentions.


St. Joseph Holy Cloak Novena

This special novena asking St. Joseph’s intercession is prayed on 30 consecutive days in memory of the 30 years St. Joseph is said to have spent in the company of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Our Lady

Prayers to Mary, the Immaculate Conception

“The Blessed Virgin Mary, through the merits of her Divine Son, was preserved free from the guilt of original sin, and this privilege is called her Immaculate Conception…” (Baltimore Catechism).

Our Lady

Prayer to Our Lady of Good Help

In 1859 Our Lady appeared to Adele Brise in Champion, Wisconsin; these apparitions have been officially approved by the Church. Ask Our Lady under her title of Our Lady of Good Help to intercede for peace in your heart!

Our Lady

Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe is patroness of the Americas. Pray for her intercession for the Church and for your needs.

Our Lady

15 Promises of the Rosary

Be motivated to pray the daily Rosary by these 15 promises made by Our Lady for those who faithfully recite the Rosary!

Our Lady

Sub Tuum Praesidium

This prayer for Our Lady’s intercession dates back at least to the third century. Pray it in either English or Latin.


Cardinal Newman Prayer

This beautiful prayer to Our Lord was composed by Bl. John Henry Newman, an Anglican convert to the Catholic Church.


Bookmark of Saint Teresa of Avila

“Let nothing disturb you; let nothing frighten you.” So begins St. Teresa’s comforting “Bookmark.” Read it in English or Spanish!


Memorare to Saint Joseph

St. Joseph is a powerful intercessor with Jesus. Ask his intercession for your needs.


Prayers to St. Anne

St. Anne is the mother of Our Lady and the grandmother of the Savior. Just think about those privileges! Ask St. Anne to pray for all mothers and grandmothers.


St. Anthony Prayers

St. Anthony is one of the most popular saints of all time. His intercession is frequently asked for many intentions, including finding lost items (such as keys!).


Saint Catherine of Siena Prayers

These prayers, one to the Holy Spirit and one to the Holy Trinity, were written by St. Catherine of Siena.


Saint Dymphna Prayer

St. Dymphna, an Irish saint, is patroness of those who suffer from mental, emotional, and nervous disorders. Ask her intercession for yourself or for a loved one.


Your Cross by Saint Francis de Sales

Take comfort in these words of St. Francis de Sales on peace, confidence, and the cross in your life.


Prayers by Saint Francis of Assisi

The beloved St. Francis of Assisi wrote a number of beautiful prayers. Here is a sampling of them.


Saint Joseph the Worker Prayer

St. Joseph is the patron saint of workers. Ask his intercession with this prayer by Pope St. Pius X.


Ancient Prayer to Saint Joseph

Ask the powerful intercession of Good Saint Joseph with this very old and very beautiful prayer.


Saint Louis de Montfort Prayer

St. Louis Marie de Montfort, champion of True Devotion to Mary (“To Jesus through Mary”) composed this beautiful prayer to Our Lady.


St. Mary Magdalene Prayers

Because Our Lord appeared to St. Mary Magdalene after His Resurrection and commissioned her to announce it to the Apostles, she is known as “the apostle to the Apostles.” Ask her intercession for your needs and intentions.


Saint Philomena Prayers

St. Philomena was a martyr in the early days of the Church. St. John Vianney had a special devotion to her, and he composed the litany included in these prayers to St. Philomena.


Saint Therese Prayers

St. Therese, known as the “Little Flower,” is a very popular saint. Pray for your requests to be granted through her powerful intercession.

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer of Abandonment (Surrender)

Bl. Charles de Focauld wrote this beautiful prayer surrendering oneself to God and His will for our lives.

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer Against Depression

Offer this prayer when you’re feeling down or struggling against depression or despair.

Various Needs and Intentions

Angelic Warfare Confraternity Petitions for Chastity

Pray for purity in every aspect of your life!

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer Before a Crucifix

This beloved prayer honors Christ’s wounds and his death on the cross for our salvation.

Various Needs and Intentions

Patron Saint of the Internet Prayer

Pray for protection, guidance, and strength against temptation as you spend time on the Internet.

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer for School (Prayer for Study)

When you’re facing a difficult exam or assignment, pray this prayer written by St. Thomas Aquinas.

Various Needs and Intentions

Universal Prayer of Pope Clement XI

This prayer is attributed to Pope Clement XI. Pray for growth in the virtues, including faith, hope, and charity.

Various Needs and Intentions

Marriage Prayer

Pray for all married couples, that they may live peaceful, holy lives.

Various Needs and Intentions

Parents’ Prayers for Children

Implore the Lord and ask the intercession of Our Lady and other saints for the protection of your precious children.

Various Needs and Intentions

Catholic Prayer for Fathers

Ask St. Joseph’s intercession for fathers in their vital but challenging vocation.

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer for Generosity

Pray for the grace to be generous to God and others.

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayers for a Mother

Mothers, ask St. Monica to pray for you and your children as you live out your vital and challenging vocation!

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer for Peace

Pray for peace in your heart and in the world.

Various Needs and Intentions

Daily Catholic Prayer for Priests

Priests need our prayers! Let us remember them in our daily prayers.

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayers for Protection and Help

Ask the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel and Our Lady for protection against evil, and prayerfully read Ephesians 6 (putting on the “armor of God”).

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer for the Church

Pray to St. Michael and St. Joseph for their intercession in the Church’s struggle against evil.

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer for Conversion of a Loved One

Ask St. Joseph’s powerful intercession for the conversion of those you love!

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayers for the Dead

Pray for those who have died, that they may reach heaven to be with God forever in joy and peace!

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayers for the Pope

We should pray for our Holy Father (currently Pope Francis) as he faces the immense challenge of shepherding the Church in these perilous times.

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer for Fallen-Away Catholics

Pray for the return to the Faith of those who have fallen away.

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer for the Sick and Prayer for Healing

Whether you are sick yourself or praying for someone who is sick, make use of these beautiful prayers!

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayers for Safe Travel

These traditional prayers ask for protection and peace while we travel and a safe return home.

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayers for Vocations

Pray for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life and for those who are living these vocations.

Various Needs and Intentions

Fatima Prayers

These short but beautiful prayers are from the apparitions of the Angel and Our Lady at Fatima in 1916 and 1917.

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer from The Imitation of Christ

Thomas á Kempis penned The Imitation of Christ in the 15th century. This popular classic devotional book was originally written in Latin.

Various Needs and Intentions

Catholic Prayers in Time of Trouble

When trouble surrounds you, call out to the Lord, who calmed the storm for the Apostles (cf. Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41).

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer to St. Anne for a Wayward Child

Ask the powerful intercession of St. Anne for the conversion of your beloved son or daughter!

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer of Repentance

Ask the Lord for forgiveness for your sins and for help to avoid them in the future.

Various Needs and Intentions

Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross (the Via Crucis,”Way of the Cross”) commemorate Our Lord’s Passion and Death. This devotion is especially appropriate for Friday and throughout Lent.

Various Needs and Intentions

Easter Prayer: The Via Lucis – Stations of the Resurrection

The Stations of the Resurrection (Via Lucis, “Way of Light”) honor Our Lord’s Resurrection and the events surrounding it. This is a beautiful newer devotion.

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer to End Abortion

Pray for an end to the greatest scourge and evil of our day. Jesus loves the little children, born and unborn!

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer against Temptation

Beg the Lord for the grace to overcome the vices in your life.

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayer to the Divine Child Jesus

Ask the Divine Child Jesus for the graces and blessings you need in your life.

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayers for the Family

Ask the Holy Family for help in your own family life!

Various Needs and Intentions

Prayers to the Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, into our lives!

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