Br. Angelo has recorded a new series of reflections on the Beatitudes, which were given to us by Jesus Himself. The episodes are sure to inspire you to live the Beatitudes in your walk with Christ.
Br. Angelo explains that each Beatitude gives a specific blessing and promise. Each presents a challenge for living a specific virtue and is a mission of grace to be taken up in our daily lives. They are the Christian’s rules of discipleship.
The Beatitudes show us Christ’s way of life and lead us to salvation. To be blessed is to be made holy, which means to be set apart for a special purpose. The Christian, as a son or daughter of God, is called to ever greater union with Him on earth and ultimately in Heaven forever and ever!
Don’t miss these insightful videos! Several episodes have already been uploaded, and more will follow. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to subscribe to the Knights’ YouTube channel so that you will be notified when the videos are released!