Knights’ Blog

The official blog of the Knights of the
Holy Eucharist

Make Lent Your Getaway Vacation

  We all know the feeling of being unplugged, and especially when people know we’re in a downtime reserved for repose and restoration. On a micro-scale, locking oneself in the bathroom to take a hot

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A Lent Refresher: So, just what is mortal sin?

  “Sin” is a thought or action that is, at root, an offense against God. It’s a violation of the great commandment to love God above all else, and to love your neighbor as yourself.

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St. Francis on Reverence for the Lord’s Body

Liturgical abuse was not new to St. Francis, especially when it came to the Holy Eucharist. He writes, “Let us all consider, O clerics, the great sin and ignorance of which some are guilty regarding

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Pietà of the Snows

Brother John’s photo essay of a February snow at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament gives the Pietà in the garden a remarkable quality and light. The humble acceptance of Our Lady now draped

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Three Knots That Our Lady Helps Us Keep Tied

The Cincture, or White Cord, is a sign of chastity, and has been since the Church’s beginning — and before. Old Testament priests wore cinctures, Consecrated Virgins and religious wear cinctures, and the wearing of

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Be Still

Another gem from Swiss Catholic thinker Max Picard which echoes Psalm 46:10 and which lies at the heart of our Eucharistic Franciscan life. “Nothing has changed the nature of man so much as the loss

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Neglected Quotes

Our digital fast paced culture is fascinated with quotes, sound bites, or rather sound bytes — tiny morsels of easily digestible “common wisdom”. It is no secret that media outlets fight for market share of

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Vice necessarily follows upon public nudity

Pope Pius XII on August 15, 1954 delegated Cardinal Ciriaci to issue a letter on modesty. It is worth recounting this little gem. “Everyone knows that during the summer months particularly, things are seen here

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The Ultimate Interest Free ‘Vacation’

With the coming of frigid winter weather many look to vacation destinations — sunny, warm, beachy places where we can re-charge. We then look at our bank accounts and for some that might mean collecting

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St. Francis Borgia and God’s Little Signature

Today, October 10th, we remember a lesser known saint who bears both a famous given name, that of St. Francis of Assisi and a rather infamous family name, Borgia. Reading an outline of St. Francis

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Model of the Perfect Knight, The Archangel Michael

“Mi – cha — El: who is like God? Of itself, this name expresses, in its brevity, the most perfect adoration, the most complete recognition of divine transcendence, and a creature’s humblest confession of his

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Do Not Be Afraid of Holiness

Pope Francis encourages us to aspire to holiness though God’s grace, in his most recent general audience. I couldn’t help but think of St. Francis giving a beggar his cloak as his hero, the noble

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Commemorating the Transitus of Holy Father St. Francis

As we commemorated the Transitus of Our Holy Father St. Francis, we reflected on the passing of this great saint into the Beatific Vision of God. The Transitus and Solemnity of St. Francis is, as

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Mary, Our Model of Faith

The journey of faith made by Mary, whom we see praying in the Upper Room, is thus longer than that of the others gathered there: Mary “goes before them,” “leads the way” for them. The

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Holy Innocents and Holy Innocence

In a special way, this great feast of the Holy Innocents, draws me to reflect on refugee families and those parents who have been willing to lose everything in order to give their children life,

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Jesus, I trust in You.

I began reading the diary of St. Faustina shortly after I entered community. I want to share the endless mercy of God with every soul throughout the world. Our Lord spoke the following words to

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This Storm of Evils

The story of Our Lady of Ransom is, at its outset, that of Saint Peter Nolasco, born in Languedoc about 1189. He conceived the idea of establishing a religious order for the redemption of captives

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From Adoration to Catholic Action

Something remarkable happened this quiet Sunday in a little country tucked away in central Europe. 80,000 people took to the streets in the city of Kosice, Slovakia, for the country’s first Pro Life March. Kosice

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The Idol-Maker, Worry.

Pope Francis had a tremendous insight and caution last week about those things that stifle faith; namely, hidden idols. It got me thinking about what lies in the deeper currents to my own daily distractions.

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Besieged Christians and the Holy Name of Mary

Litanies, always remind me of a march towards a battle on the horizon. I always hear Sousa and the drums, each title and invocation, a horn blast. Devoted to Our Lady, on September 11th of

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In Search of Christian Manliness

Several threads in recent news have woven together to create one great tug! Let’s revisit what it means to be a Christian man in an age of uni-sex metro mono culture where man strength, those

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The Real Intervention – Mary, Queen of Peace

Here is the full text of Pope Francis’ homily at the Vigil of Prayer and Fasting in Saint Peter’s Square, Saturday 7 September 2013. “And God saw that it was good” (Gen 1:12, 18, 21,

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