Knights’ Blog

The official blog of the Knights of the
Holy Eucharist

Fr. Zachary and Knights Present Retreat

May the Lord give you His Peace! In these times when Satan and his minons are fighting hard to take over the world and the Church, be assured we continue praying for you daily as

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The Repentant Knight

In olden times, there lived in a certain part of England a rich and powerful knight, who kept a great estate and lived royally. But he forgot God, and thought people fools who confessed their

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Racing for Imperishable Victory

Pierre de Coubertin convinced Pope Pius X that “organized sport can create moral and social strength” and it was the Pope’s support that helped launch the modern Olympics in 1908. Pope Pius X didn’t need

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The Silence of God is Different

Max Picard warns in his book The World of Silence, (a philosophic-poetic reflection on the meaning of Silence), that modern man is becoming a “word-machine”, a “noise-machine.” He says that true speaking emerges only from

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Christ the Savior Is Born!

We joyfully celebrate Our Lord’s birth, His Nativity, on Christmas Day. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name

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Waiting for His Coming

One time-honored Advent tradition is the praying of the O Antiphons. The O Antiphons use titles of the Messiah and verses from the Old Testament to express our longing for His coming. The traditional Advent

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Prepare for Christ’s Birthday!

Advent is such a special time of year when we get ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas Day, December 25. The most important way to prepare is spiritually! There are special

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Call upon Our Lady!

Litanies are prayers with responsive petitions (such as “Holy Mary, Mother of God / pray for us”). At first glance they seem to be rather repetitious, but consider that Psalm 136 is also repetitious (it

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The Greatest Prayer

No other form of prayer can equal the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. “At the Last Supper, on the night he was betrayed, our Savior instituted the Eucharistic Sacrifice of his Body and Blood. He

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Spending Time with Our Best Friend

Do you realize the awesome truth that Our Lord is your Friend? Yes, of course, He is God, but He is also your Friend. So we can really and truly think of adoration of the

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Praying to Our Lord When We Need Help

We need Our Lord’s comfort, strength, protection, and guidance as we make our pilgrim way through this world to our heavenly home. The Anima Christi is frequently prayed after receiving Holy Communion. What a wonderful

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The Gift of Adoration

Do we ever stop to think what a great gift Jesus has given us in Eucharistic Adoration? We can visit the Blessed Sacrament whenever our parish church is open, and whenever our parish has hours

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Offering Your Day to Our Lord

Each new day is a beautiful gift from God, and what better way to spend that day than in God’s service, fulfilling God’s will? Each day God continues to say to us, “I want you

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Offering Your Day for Special Intentions

“Christ the Lord, High Priest taken from among men, made the new people ‘a kingdom and priests to God the Father.’ The baptized, by regeneration and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, are consecrated as

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Ending the Day with Our Lord

At the end of a busy day, how important it is to spend some of our remaining time with our dear Lord! We thank Him for a safe day, ask His blessings on our night,

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Living Daily Life with Our Lord

Most people live busy lives, and it’s easy sometimes to forget God in the midst of the activity. One way to remember God frequently throughout the day is by praying short prayers, also called aspirations,

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Preparing for Confession

Part of preparation for confession is examining your conscience, calling to mind the sins you have committed since your last good confession. Fr. William Saunders tells us: “We need to hold up our life to

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Confess with Trust

Going to Confession is a key part of living the Catholic life. Taking a cue from the beautiful saying for a priest, “Say this Mass as if it were your first Mass, last Mass, and

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Rejoice Every Day in Your Faith!

The Nicene Creed, also called the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, is familiar to practicing Catholics because they hear it at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. It is also prayed on other solemnities. St. Leander,

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The Athanasian Creed, Another Profession of Faith

The Athanasian Creed is a long profession of faith dating back to the 4th or 5th century. Especially explained in this profession are the Trinity and the Incarnation. It has been attributed to St. Athanasius,

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The Apostles’ Creed: An Act of Faith

The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that the Apostles’ Creed is “a faithful summary of the apostles’ faith.” And St. Ambrose comments: “This Creed is the spiritual seal, our heart’s meditation, and an

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Our Lady of Sorrows

As the mother of Jesus, Our Lady had much to suffer, as prophesied by Simeon at the Presentation in the Temple: “[A]nd Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, ‘Behold, this child is

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Asking the Intercession of Our Angelic Friends

St. Michael’s help is so important in our world today as we try to navigate through this combat zone without falling prey to the enemy of our souls. The beloved Prayer to St. Michael the

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Beg Our Lord for Mercy!

How much we and our world need the mercy of our loving Savior! The Chaplet of Divine Mercy was given by Our Lord to St. Faustina Kowalska, a humble Polish Sister. Jesus told Sr. Faustina:

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A Much-Needed Prayer in Our Day

How much the Church needs the help and protection of St. Michael the Archangel! The traditional prayer to St. Michael was formerly prayed after Low Mass, and it is heartening to see parishes taking up

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worshipping God



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