Knights’ Blog

The official blog of the Knights of the
Holy Eucharist

Christmastide. What is it?

The Schema of Christmastide The progression of Christmastide can be understood as follows: Holy Night Christmas Eve. See Customs. The Octave of the Nativity of our Lord The Feast of the Nativity, Christmas Day. The

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That Blessed Star

Don’t forget to look up at Christmas! “Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop

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The Tabernacle of Conscience

Our “elder brothers in the faith” begin Hanukkah at sunset tonight — the feast of tabernacles and the re-dedication of the Temple. It is a celebration that brings to us the prefigurement of Christ in

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The Soul of Knight, Horse, and Dog: Clarifications

As Franciscans of a knightly order we are fond of animals. But all this carfuffle about what Pope Francis supposedly said on the subject of animals, souls, and heaven requires a clarification, or rather, a

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Love Bound To Service

Today on the memorial of the passing, or transitus, of St. Francis we also remember the humble Franciscan preacher and evangelizer St. John of Dukla. What a great model of love bound to service for

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Reflection on the Gospel of Luke 6:12-19

Jesus departed to the mountain to pray, and he spent the night in prayer to God. When day came, he called his disciples to himself, and from them he chose Twelve, whom he also named

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The Holy Name of Mary and the Defense of Christendom

Devoted to Our Lady, on September 11th of 1683, King John Sobieski of Poland frees a besieged Vienna and saves Europe from invasion. In humility he proclaimed, “I came. I saw. God Conquered.” Pope Innocent

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Christianity, Islam and the Future

The atrocities perpetrated by ISIS (or IS, ISIL) on Christians and other religious minorities of Iraq is both an unspeakable tragedy and an opportunity to do some soul searching. Outrage and apprehension are the order

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From Storms to Springtime

“All ordinances against the laws of God are invalid. Life shortened by suffering has much greater value and offers more to souls than a long life and a comfortable position which participates in the destruction

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Happy “Little” Mother’s Day!

Tomorrow, the feast of St. Monica, is a ‘little’ mother’s day. And we remember and pray for all our mothers who did not give up on us, their sons, and saw within us the gem

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Host Returned Dark Powers Remain

I once had a challenging teacher, Dr. Floyd Centore, who pondered whether it was possible for a whole nation to be possessed? Whether the sum total of all actions weighed into the darkness of evil?

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The Peace Prayer of St. Francis, WWI, and Fatima

There is a connection between the Peace Prayer, World War I, and Fatima. We should look closely here in our day of global persecution. The Peace Prayer of St. Francis is a famous prayer which

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Peace as the pursuit of solidarity with the truth

It is good to remember that above all St. Francis was a lover of the Truth, Jesus Christ. Peace is not the absence of conflict but rather the pursuit of solidarity with the truth, a

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Free Your Tongue with Confession

We are willing to fight to the death for the right to free speech. Well, what about the enemy within you, the guilty conscience, that is silenced by sin? In this war — we need

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A Christian Knight’s Role in the Evangelization of Culture

“The Crusaders, with whom we associate the first Christendom – and who in fact represent one of its greatest failures – made the mistake of confusing and interior and spiritual struggle with an earthly and

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The Eucharist builds up the Church, the Sacrament of Salvation

“The Eucharist builds up the Church, the Sacrament of Salvation” proclaims Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, at the 2008 International Eucharistic Congress, Quebec City. “So that the disciples, when they realized (each in

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Our Foundation Day, July 25th

Today is our Foundation Day — the anniversary of our founding by Mother Mary Angelica, PCPA. Adorable Sacred Heart of Jesus, which so greatly loved men and has not spared anything for them, unite with

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Closer to us than we want him to be

Many would rather push God into the distant cosmos, the Watch Maker, the uncaring Being, the science of randomness, or the void of nothingness — the Ungrund. The more I called them, the farther they

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On the vigil of St. John’s birth

On the vigil of St. John’s birth light a candle, or a pyre, but remember his great desire to announce the coming of Lord despite mockery, threats, and the sword

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Knights Attending Atlanta Eucharistic Congress

The Knights are attending the annual Atlanta Eucharistic Congress, Friday, June 20th, and Saturday, June 21st. The Congress draws over 30,000 attendees each year during Corpus Christi weekend. We hope to see you there and

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In the Garden of Toil, Music Plays

Allow Christ to walk with you in your garden of toil, in your heart where we have all fallen. Speak with him, your Savior who loves you, and allow that dialog to shine through your

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Conscious Adoration

Cardinal Müller had some clear words for the LCWR and all those who pruport to be Catholic and yet espouse the gnostic idea of conscious evolution. He states: The “fundamental theses of conscious evolution are

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Loss, Hopkins, and Hope

Outside of my window there sits a lone Rose-breasted Grosbeak making the most beautiful music. It calls out in orchestral scales and subtle tones. And there is no reply. The great oak in which he

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worshipping God



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