In Sinu Jesu Video Series


In Sinu Jesu Priest Retreat: #1

Fr. Zachary walks us through In Sinu Jesu. In this first retreat, Father focuses on loving God in a more intentional way while also being called to take on our identity as the beloved. We as followers of Jesus are called to battle the evil one through the power of the Father while also taking on this aspect of belovedness and knowing the Father’s love for us.

In Sinu Jesu Priest Retreat: #2

Fr. Zachary explains the great gift of the Eucharist and the impotence of adoring Jesus in different aspects of His personhood and attributes. When we spend time with someone we will become like them. When we spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist then we become like Jesus Himself. Listening to Jesus with the ear of our heart is essential to prayer, and Father shows us how to do just that.

In Sinu Jesu Priest Retreat: #3

This conference focuses on encountering Jesus through Mary and our necessity to become the saints that God created us to be. Jesus offers Himself to the Father for the sanctification of souls and we are called to be adorers of Jesus. We are also called to seek the gaze of Jesus and as followers of Christ, we should abide in Christ and see Him face to face through Eucharistic Adoration.

In Sinu Jesu Priest Retreat: #4

Our fourth conference focuses on having a relationship with the Holy Spirit and Our Lady along with Eucharistic Adoration. Father echoes the sentiments of St. Teresa of Calcutta saying that Eucharistic Adoration is the best time that we will spend on Earth and is about everlasting peace on Earth. The greatest love story of all time is contained within a white host and Father explains how we live this out.

In Sinu Jesu Priest Retreat: #5

In our fifth conference, Fr. Zachary explains how we must be humble in order to serve Jesus. Specifically how humility, mercy, and service are seen in both the Eucharist, the cross, and the Blessed Virgin Mary come together. Jesus will share all of His virtues with us but humility and fraternal charity are essential for coming close to Jesus and Mary.

In Sinu Jesu Priest Retreat: #6

Jesus wants us to come before Him and love Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Saying yes to Jesus and allowing Jesus to take you at your word. In the words of Mother Teresa, we need to become empty so that God can fill us and live His life in us and Father shows us how this is to be done.

In Sinu Jesu Priest Retreat: #7

We must strive to love God as much as we can even to the point of loving Him perfectly. Our hearts must become places of love where the Holy Eucharist can dwell. We are called to seek Jesus’ heart and to listen to the voice of Jesus. We must be attentive to Him and He will be attentive to us and we must do so lovingly.

In Sinu Jesu Priest Retreat: #8

In this final video, Fr. Zachary explains the importance of being both adorers and reperators of Jesus; along with giving Our Lady all that we have and all that we are. Having constant recourse to her and remaining close to her Immaculate Heart. Mary provides us with a model of all of the virtues and relating to the trinity as Mary would relate to them along with living out the plan of the Father.

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