The Epiphany: Discovering the Light and Truth of Jesus

January 4, 2024

The Magi and the End of the Christmas Octave

The arrival of the Magi at the manger is a significant moment in salvation history, celebrated as the Epiphany, the revelation of Christ to the nations. Their journey to find Our Lord officially marks the end of the octave of Christmas, a period of great joy in the Church. While Heaven rejoiced at the birth of Jesus on December 25th, the rest of the world remained unaware of His coming. The Magi’s visit represents the outside world’s first step toward discovering Christ.

Unlike the shepherds, who were poor and lived among the Israelites, the Magi were foreigners, likely astronomers and scholars from the East. They were not of the Jewish faith, yet they recognized the significance of the star that heralded the birth of a newborn King. Their journey was long and filled with uncertainty, but they followed the divine sign placed before them.

This moment reminds us that Christ did not come only for Israel, but for the entire world. His salvation extends beyond cultural or religious boundaries. Just as the Magi traveled a great distance to find and worship Jesus, so too are all people called to seek Him in their lives.

Recognizing Christ Despite Being Outsiders

Despite being outsiders to God’s chosen people, the Magi understood that something extraordinary had occurred. They recognized that a newborn King had come into the world, and they set out on a journey to bring Him homage. This was an act of profound faith.

The world at large did not immediately recognize the arrival of the Messiah, yet these wise men, through their study of the stars and divine inspiration, were able to perceive that something greater was at work. Their journey was guided by God’s hand, showing that He can use any circumstance, sign, or natural phenomenon to draw people to Himself.

At the time of Jesus’ birth, many remained unaware of His coming, just as today, many do not recognize His presence in their lives. Yet, as John 1:5 tells us, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” Jesus, the Light of the World, had come, and those who were open to seeking Him were rewarded with His presence.

This reminds us that even those who may feel distant from God, who may not have grown up in faith, can still find Christ if they seek Him with sincerity. God’s call is universal, and those who answer it will be led to Him, just as the Magi were led to the manger.

Encountering Christ: More Than Just Knowing About Him

Many today believe they know who Jesus is, but knowing about Him is different from truly encountering Him. The shepherds and the Magi were transformed by their encounters with Christ, and so must we be.

To encounter Christ, we must be open to being sought after by the Lord Himself. Jesus cares about all people, not just a select few. Our response to His call is an act of free will—God does not force Himself upon us, but He continuously invites us into a relationship with Him.

How do we respond to this call? By seeking Jesus in Scripture, in prayer, and in the Eucharist. The more we delve into God’s Word, the more we will recognize His voice calling us deeper into faith. Prayer, both silent and spoken, is where we develop an intimate relationship with the Lord. The more time we spend with Him, the more we come to truly know Him, beyond just an intellectual understanding.

Jesus Pursues Us First

Jesus is in constant pursuit of His people. The relationship He desires with us is not one-sided; it is an invitation that begins with His initiative. The Magi saw the star because God placed it before them—it was not their own doing. Likewise, our faith is not something we manufacture on our own, but something that God first plants in our hearts.

With every relationship comes an initial moment of discovery, and Jesus wants to reveal Himself to each of us personally. He does not wait for us to seek Him first; rather, He reaches out to us in ways that we may not even realize. Sometimes, these encounters are profound and life-changing, while at other times, they are subtle and gradual.

In taking on human flesh, Jesus made Himself approachable. He experienced the joys and struggles of human life, yet He remained sinless. This allows Him to relate to us in a way that no other figure in history can. He knows our struggles, our pain, and our longing for meaning, and He calls us to find fulfillment in Him alone.

The Epiphany: Accepting God’s Invitation

God desires to be with us, to guide us, and to transform us. But He does not force His way into our lives. Instead, He extends an invitation—one that we are free to accept or reject.

The Magi accepted this invitation by journeying to meet Christ. They could have ignored the star, dismissed it as unimportant, or feared the long road ahead. Yet, they chose to follow where God was leading them, even though it required sacrifice and perseverance.

Similarly, in our lives, we often sense God’s call, but do we trust Him enough to follow it? Do we allow our fears, doubts, or distractions to keep us from responding? God knows what is best for us, yet He still gives us the free will to choose Him or reject Him.

This is where trust in God becomes essential. Will we trust Him enough to follow Him wherever He leads us? Or will we choose our own path, even when we know deep down that God has something greater in store for us?

The article was written by: Br. Athanasius Mary of the Knights of the Holy Eucharist 


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