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The Lord of the harvest needs workers in His vineyard!
Will you answer His loving call?
Do you want to know more about what it means to be a brother? Listen to Br. Michael's interview on Spirit Radio about the life of a Knight and what this call to consecrated life is about.
09 - 01 - 21 Brother Michael Mary - Knights Of The Holy Eucharist - Vocations
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What does it take to become a Knight of the Holy Eucharist? A young man should:
  • Be a single Catholic in good standing
  • Have no legal responsibilities
  • Have good physical and mental stability
  • Be a high school graduate 18-30 years old
  • Have the ability to perform strenuous manual labor
  • Have a desire to serve and not to be served

“Religious are not better than other men—they are chosen for the benefit of mankind and the glorification of God on earth. Men climb mountains, scale heights, venture into the unexplored to prove to other men it can be done. This is the witness of today’s disciples—they provide a needed witness that holiness is possible in today’s world because there is one whose Indwelling Presence accomplishes the difficult, the impossible and the miraculous—a change of life, ideals and goals.” — Mother Angelica

"You did not choose me, no, I chose you; and I commissioned you to go out and to bear fruit." (Jn. 15:16)

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or write to us via regular mail:

Knights of the Holy Eucharist
7303 N. 112th St.
Waverly, NE 68462  U.S.A.

Stages of Formation
Aspirancy: Up to 6 months

During aspirancy, the young man is introduced to our Eucharistic-Marian-Papal-Franciscan spirituality by spending time with us and participating in our work and prayer. There is no commitment yet, and the aspirant is free to leave at any time.

Candidacy: Up to 6 months

As a candidate, the young man participates more fully in community life. If he feels called to remain, he can make a short-term promise to continue in the community until Holy Thursday or October 4th, the Solemnity of St. Francis, whichever comes first, when, God willing, he will become a postulant.

Postulancy: 1-2 years

The postulant continues his transition from secular life to consecrated life, begins his formation in the particular spirituality of the Knights, and receives the instruction and assistance he needs to make a prayerful, mature choice about his vocation.

Novitiate: 1-2 years

The novitiate is the principal phase of formation as the novice enters more fully into the community. Under the guidance and care of the Vocation Director, the novice learns the responsibilities of community life; practices the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty, and obedience; and grows in knowledge of his divine vocation (whatever it may be) and of the Knights.

Temporary profession of vows: 3-5 years

The Juniorate is a period of formation that lasts the whole time of private vows. During this time, the Knight affirms his voluntary commitment made to God. Through human, spiritual, religious, and apostolic formation, he prepares that he may better serve the Church as a Knight. At the same time, he strives to reach the personal maturity necessary to make his final profession of vows if that is God’s will.

Final Profession: After completion of temporary vows

When the time of private vows has been completed and the Knight is wholly dedicated to his mission and sufficiently understands what he will be undertaking, he makes his final profession of the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, committing to remain in the community for life. He strives ever more to live out his calling and grow in holiness.

Are you called to be a Knight?

The consecrated life is challenging yet joyful and rewarding at the same time! The Knights exist to serve the Church and the wider community by prayer; adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament; and a wide-ranging variety of apostolic works, including training altar servers, giving spiritual talks, online evangelizing, and assisting the poor.

Our life is a balance of work, prayer, and free time/recreation (think fun!) lived in community. We treat one another as brothers, and our fraternal life gives each individual support on his heavenly journey. “A religious community is a gift of the Spirit. It is the love of God, poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, from which religious community takes its origin and is built as a true family gathered together in the Lord’s name” (Fraternal Life in Community, Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life & Societies of Apostolic Life).

One of our important duties is serving Holy Mass, which we do as reverently as we can. The Knights are blessed to serve Mass in both forms, the Ordinary Form and the Extraordinary Form (Traditional Latin Mass).


“This is the meaning of the call to the consecrated life: it is an initiative coming wholly from the Father, who asks those whom he has chosen to respond with complete and exclusive devotion. The experience of this gracious love of God is so deep and so powerful that the person called senses the need to respond by unconditionally dedicating his or her life to God, consecrating to him all things present and future, and placing them in his hands” (Vita Consecrata 17).

Take a brief survey to see if a vocation to the Knights of the Holy Eucharist is for you!

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