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What are some of your interests and personal characteristics? (Check all that apply.)
Manual labor/skills
Enjoying quiet time with Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament
Enjoy meeting new people
Playing sports
Going to Mass at least every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation
Going where I'm needed
How important is the Catholic Faith to you?
I'm not a Catholic, but I am interested in the Catholic Faith.
I seldom/never go to church.
I'm a Catholic, and my faith is very important to me.
religious? totally important
What is your state in life?
Single and never married
Married and separated
How old are you?
16 to 17
18 to 20
21 to 25
26 to 30
31 to 39
40 +
Do you have an interest in becoming a consecrated religious?
I'm not only serious, but have contacted at least one other religious community.
I would like to seriously look into becoming a consecrated religious.
Yes, I've thought about becoming a consecrated religious.
Not really.
Hmmm... I haven't really thought about it until now.
Do you find yourself saying, “I want to give myself totally to God”?
Yes, this expresses my feelings right now.
Not really.
Are you drawn to prayer?
Yes; prayer and the Mass are things that are really important to me.
I have only a small interest in prayer.
Not really... I don't get to church much.
How do you feel about wearing a habit?
Wearing a habit such as the Knights’ would be just fine.
Um, I’d feel more comfortable just wearing jeans.
Do you have any school debt, car payments, or other debt?
No debt at all.
I have some outstanding debt (under $5,000).
My debt is more than $5,000.
What about other aspects of religious life?
The religious vows might be a challenge, but they don’t seem out of the question.
The vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience seem too overwhelming.
What do you think of community life?
My experience hasn't been perfect, but I can see how living with other religious could grow into lifelong friendships.
I've had problems living with siblings, roommates, or others, and don't want to face this again.
How is your health?
My health is good.
I’m taking psychiatric medication, such as an anti-depressant.
I have a physical handicap or chronic illness which presents some difficulty in my day-to-day life.
Have you prayed about a vocation to religious life?
In prayer, I feel drawn to religious life.
I've prayed about this, but so far God hasn't made an answer clear to me.
I haven't really prayed about this.
Do you think you might have an interest in a community life of prayer, adoration, and service of the Church?
Yes, I can see the value of serving Christ in this way.
No, this is not my area of interest.
Do you have a spiritual director—one who guides you in discerning your vocation?
Yes, I have a spiritual director.
No, but I would like to find one.
Um, no.
Would you be willing to visit our friary in Lincoln, Nebraska, for a while to see what our life is like?
Yes, I'd be interested. Tell me what's involved.
Not right now.
Contact me in 6 months.