Introduction to Our Charisms

Franciscan Brothers.
Knightly Service.
Radical Love.

Life is a journey through time, but not only through time. It is also, for each soul, a journey from what a man is to what God intends him to be. For every Christian this presents a challenge. Every man who calls himself a Christian must seek to become like Christ. Some among them, however, seek not only to follow Jesus, but to follow Him with total dedication.

The Knights are men who have taken up the challenge of discipleship with generosity and totality. A Knight is one elevated by a King to a position of special trust, service and honor. He is one who has made the interests of his King his own. He serves and protects his Lord not for profit, but from the kind of selfless loyalty that can only be called noble.

Jesus is the Eucharistic King whom the Knights have pledged themselves to serve and to defend. As loyal Knights, they willingly lay down their lives not only for Him, but also for all that is His. It is for this reason that their protection and service extends to His holy Temple.

St. Francis of Assisi was a man with a chivalrous heart. When he loved, he loved without reservation. As a young man he was enthralled with the things of the world, but once he saw beyond them to the One Priceless Pearl, he was satisfied with nothing less than Its possession. The Knights claim the poor man of Assisi as a special patron of their community and seek to live out his motto, “My God and my All.”

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