Help Us Turn Dreams into Reality

The Knights seek to open their second friary location in the Lincoln Diocese.

The Knights of the Holy Eucharist are prayerfully working and praying toward purchasing a facility on a rural property. There we will have ample room for all our current members and plenty of space for the expected continued growth of our community.
Since as an active-contemplative community we need to come apart from the world at times, this property will give us the perfect place to do that. There we can pray, adore Our Lord in the Eucharist, train and form the men in our community, and carry on some aspects of our mission to spread the Gospel.
To be able to purchase this amazing facility and property, we need to raise the necessary funds. We believe in God’s providence manifested through your generosity!
We are looking for generous benefactors to donate the money we need to turn this dream into a reality. This friary will be another dwelling for Our Eucharistic Lord, a place where He will be adored and loved, where prayers will be offered for the suffering, the straying, the unborn, the doubting, the sorrowing, the deceased, those in need—and the whole world! From here the Knights will go out to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and offer hope to a hurting world.
If you would like more information about this important project, please contact me, Br. David Mary, through our contact form or by phone at 402-786-2705. We would love for you to visit us and tour the site!
Friaries are the living cells of the Community. They are the primary units of the Community where its life and mission find their support and expression. They help the Knights become more prayerful and reflective and live the Gospel fully, thereby freeing them for ever-greater fidelity to their calling within a common project and in the framework of the priorities of the Community.
In a religious house, the refectory (dining room) is considered the second holiest place (after the chapel where Our Eucharistic Lord dwells). Here the Knights will gather to nourish their physical bodies and receive the strength they need to live their consecrated life.
The evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience, which flow from and intensify our baptismal call to holiness, serve to bind the Knights together in a common way of life. It is this relationship to God and one another that allows the Knights to embrace the world as their cloister and serves to bind them together in a fraternal relationship and way of life. Life in community provides many opportunities for growth in the Christian virtues.
This property is an oasis of peace in the midst of a chaotic, noisy world.
We will post updates to this page as they become available. Stay tuned, and please pray for the success of our project!
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